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Drusilla's Guide To (Un-)Life

Run and catch the lamb is caught in the blackberry patch...Oh hello, me and Miss Edith were just singing a song. Do you sing? I bet you have a lovely voice. Your screams would be delightful. What's that Miss Edith? Oh Miss Edith says she likes you. Thats good. She hasn't been eating. She's wasting away to bones. I shall have to punish her severely. She wonders if you would like to hear our guide to unlife? Would you like that? You would? Oh that just makes me and Miss Edith so happy. Like when Angel tortured the Library man. Oh but now where do I begin?

Always savior the smell of fear. It's delicious, like squeezing honey from a bee.

I adore the reek of panic. It tickles my nose like champagne in the blood of a New Year's Eve kill.

Victims with pretty cloths are simply wonderous. Sometimes there are stains though. So you must eat neatly or everyone is very sad. Oh and you have very pretty cloths by the way.

Naming all the stars is fun. But I always name them the all the same name. The confusion is simply terrible. There is always a duel.

I don't like old men, they always get stuck in my teeth.

Surprisingly, hypnotised Library men are the best kissers.

Dead kittens are such a waste. If they had grown up, they would have made a good two meals each.

Yellow is a pretty color. I bit someone with jaundice once and was yellow for a week. I laughed and laughed.

Never trust little blonde girls, they always try to poke sticks in you and your friends.

Anger is wonderful. It makes me tremble with delight.

I love to shave with a straight razor. Sometimes there's an accident and the blood goes everywhere. It's red and very pretty. Would you like a shave?

The best kill is the kill when you are in the moment. That, and the fear of the tasty morsel, is the best thing ever. That and macrame.

Oh I'm afraid are time is up. What's that Miss Edith? Oh Miss Edith says you have something on your neck. Let me look. Oh I see what she ment. Silly Miss Edith, she sees my teeth...
