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Spike's FAQ Corner

Spike's FAQ Corner

Ok listen up you yanks. Seeing as how you blokes probably know little to nothing on our show I was the blimey idiot that drew the short straw and has to fill you in. So listen up. Oh and here is some yank to ask me your questons.

Q. What is a Slayer?

A. Bloody pain in the ass is what she is. But a more scientific desription would be that she is the woman choosen once a generation to face the forces of evil or some crap.

Q. Can't vampires turn into wolfs and bats, and arnt they all really good deep down?

. People still buying into that Anne Rice crap eh? No we can't turn into anything but hungary which im gettin now. And hell no were not good, well cept some one lily livered bastard named Angel. The rest of us dont have souls and don't change.

Q. So you don't love or care at all?

A. Hey, now I didn't say that did I you wanker? I love my Dru with all my nonbeating heart.

Q. So what do vampires do for fun?

A. Ah the usual. Kill, destroy, maim, tourture, feed on the living you know that sort of thing. Course there those blokes who just have to be showy and try and destroy the world and all that nonsense. Bunch a talk is the most of it.

Q. Back to Slayers and things of that nature. What do you think of the "Scooby Gang"?

A. I think there a bunch of pi**ants that should have been my dinner long ago. And with a name like that they wouldnt last two seconds in a prison.

Q. What do you think makes Buffy the Vampire Slayer so popular to it's audience?

A. Well to put in into one

Q. Well what are your thoughts on the postponing of episodes by the WB?

A. Well how good could they have been without me in them you bloody wanker. I make that show what it is.

Q. Is that why your rumored back next season as a part of the Scooby Gang?

A. WHAT! Where did you here that?

Q. From Joss, why didn't you know?

A. No mate, I scremed like that because I'm a happy little flower in a medow. That's it come here. Its supper time.
