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Rupert Giles

Rupert Giles

Rupert Giles comes from a family of Watchers-both his father and grandmother also served in that capacity-and he was told at age ten that he too would become one, which disappointed him since he had plans to be either a fighter pilot or a grocer. He attended Ozford University, where one of his friends, Caryle Ferris, fought a She-Mantis and lost both the battle and his sanity. Giles eventually rejected the famly destiny and dropped out of Ozford chosing instead to dabble in the occult-he and five friends summonded a demon called Eyghon to the Earth. Only two of that group-Giles and Ethan Rayne-still survive, the others having been killed by the demon. Although he is no longer the practitioner he was in his youth, his skills in spellmaking have proven useful on more than one occason.

He was the curator at a museum in England, possibly the British Museum, prior to being assigned by the Watchers to Buffy. He also plays the guitar though one suspects it's been quite a while since he picked the thing up. He can read five languages on a good day, hos some skill in fencing, and in shooting a tranquilizer gun, and he lists cross-referencing among his favorite hobbies.

Giles is presently the school librarian for Sunnydale Hight. It is presumed that he has either a master's degree in library science or the British equivalent in order to qualify for his current position. It is also presumed that Principal Flutie gave him broad discretion in choosing the contents of the library, since it includes several ancient texts that would be out of place in an ordinary school library-these are extremly useful when he needs information to help Buffy fight a particular demon or counter the latest plot from the Master, Spike, Drusilla, or whatever threatens them.

Aside from Jenny Calander and Dr. Gregory, his relaitonship with his fellow faculty membvers has not been extensively chronicled. He did date Jenny for some time, thought Jenny's possession by Eyghon put a hitch in things, and the truth about her Romany background and taht she sent to keep an eye on Angel put an even bigger hitch. They had made steaps toward a reconciliation right before Angel, having lost his soul at this time, murdered her.

Although not a Slayer, Giles has proven quite physically resilient. He has suffered several attacks on his person, Jenny once shot him with a crossbow bolt at frighteningly short range, and he was able to resist Angel's torture sessions only giving up the secret of how to unlock Acathla by being hynotised by Drusilla.

As a general rule Giles is the picture of the stiff upper-lip Brit: restrained, stuffy, always wears tweed, somewhat befuddled, what little humor that escapes is dry as toast. However, he also has a ferosity that tends to show through when his emotions are engaged, wheather negative-as seen in his brutal treatment of Ethan during the Halloween fiasco, and his atack on Angel for killing Jenny-or positive his tremendous protectiveness of and devotion to Buffy. That very same pretectiveness and devotion that led to his dismissel as a Watcher after interfearing with a brutal test the Council forced him to administer to Buffy by injecting her with a adrenal suppresior to negate her powers for a time. Buffy was shocked and disgusted at first, but when she saw Giles give up everything for her due to the father's love that he has for her convinced her to forgive him. He always has a snide remark for his replacement, Wesley Windom Peirce, who is completely incapable of preforming the job assinged to him. So far his only other "relationship" was when Ethan rigged the school's band candy to make all adults act like teens and he and Joyce Summers, Buffy's mother, had a fling that one night. Giles has sense gone back to being Buffy's father figure. He is always around to be their for her. Giles role in the fight against the Mayor was to destroy the school. Being succesful and actually surviving he is now up in the air what he will do in Sunnydale seeing as his libary is a smoldering pit os ash.
