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Many things about Oz are still unknown, like his last name. Hi is near graduating Sunnydale High with the rest of his friends, and is the guitarist for the rock band Dingoes Ate My Baby, which plays gigs in in the area quite often.

Oz is apparently quite brilliant-he was one of only two Sunnydale High students to be recruited by a large, unnamed computer-software company during Career Week-but shows very little ambition, beyond mastering the E-flat, dimininshed ninth chord on the guitar which he refers to as "a man's chord-you could lose a finger". He tends to pay little attention in his classes yet always tests well.

During his senior year about midway through, Oz was bit by his cousin Jordy, who, it turns out is a werewolf. The bite transmitted the lycanthropy to Oz, and he now changes into a werewolf on the night of the full moon as well as the nights before and after. His iniial foray into werewolfdom nearly caused a panic-not to mention almost getting him killed by a hunter after his pelt-but he now knows to lock himself up three nights a month.

Oz tends to take things in striede. He was very nonchalant at the revelation that a) his cousin is a werewolf and b) so is he, and he was equally blase when he discovered that there are vampires in Sunnydale and that Buffy was the Slayer. He has joined the inner circle of Slayerettes, so far providing transportation in his van and tracking down Buffy when she was turned into a rat by Amy during the whole Valentine's Day fiasco with Xander.

Oz found himself attracted to Willow from the momnet he saw her in a Eskimo outfit, an dmore so when he saw her in her rather revealing Halloween outfit, though they didn't actually speak until they found themselves together in the recruitment area for the software company. Oz saved Willow's life from one of the Tarakan assasins, and they started dating shortly after. His lycanthropy was not noticebaly interfered with their relationship, though Oz was willing to break it off if she wanted to but she didn't. Things between them went great. They never fought, and always had fun. But Willow and Xander carried on a torrid smoochfest between his and Cordellia's back. When Spike kidnapped Xander and Willow and Oz used his heightened sense of smell to find them, he and Cordy walked in on them kissing on a bed. Little was said and then Cordelia fell and was impaled on a spike and rushed to the hospital. For a while Oz would not speak to Willow, as he seemed rather his Oz way. Finally at Christmas time he could take being without her no more and asked her back and she agreed. That night she even went so far as to offer him sex, but he declined wanting to only when it was because they both wanted it, not because she had to prove anything. He has come to be a good friend to the group, even he and Xander after the "fluke" with Willow have frequent converstaions on things such as coolness and kryptonite. As the threat of death loomed upon the gang as the Mayor planned to asend at graduation. He finally made love to Willow, bringing their relationship to a whole new level. He will also be going to the same collage as Willow and Buffy.
