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Willow Rosenberg

Willow Rosenberg
Willow Rosenberg was born and raised in Sunnydale, the daugher of Ira and Shelia Rosenberg in a very Jewish household. A fairly reserved and shy person, she is best friends with Xander and had a established reputation as the person to go to for tutoring help. Willow can be charmingly naive at times-when she was a child, her idea of playing "doctor" was to actually read medical texts and test them out on Xander.

Willow's computer skills are both prodigiou and legendary. During Sunnydale High's Career Week, she was one of only two students (the other being Oz) to be interviewed by an unnamed but very prestigious computer-software company, and she was chosen to substitute for computer_science teacher Jenny Calander after she was murdered. When an adequate replacement couldn't be found, Principal Snyder asked her to fill in for the remainder of the term, an impressive request to make of a junior. Acquiring the latest software tends to make her incoherent, and she has continually upgraded her won equipment, having gone from a desktop to a laptop. She was also involved in Jenny's project to scan several texts into the school computers.

Willow and Buffy became friends soon after they met. Unfortunately, Buffy's encouragement for her to seize the moment led to her flirting with a boy at the Bronze who turned out to be a vampire. Buffy rescued her; Willow later helped locate the Master's lair by hacking into the city records. Like Xander, Willow insisted on helping Buffy out on subsequent adventures, and her computer skills in particular have come in handy, especially given Giles's technophobia. "I'm probly the only girl in school who has the coroner's office bookmarked as a favorite place".

Willow has long carried a tordch for Xander. They "dated" when they were five years old, but she broke it off when he stole her Barbie doll. In adolescence, she has waited for Xander to notice her but, until mid-senior year when they carried on a not so torried affair. Before that he remained only a friend to her and nothing else, preferring to lust after praying mantises, mummies, and Cordelia. Throughout all this she was a true friend even prompting Xander to invite Ampata to a dance.

She carried out a on-line correspondence with a boy named Malcolm, who turned out to be the demon Moloch, which was a pity, as she seemed to have had more sucess with him than any other boy to that point. She met up with Oz at the Career Fair, shortly after which he saved her life, and they eventually started dating. The later revelation that Oz is a werewolf did not deter their relationship, and when Willow awakened from a coma, Oz was whom she called first. Things between the two ground to a hault when Oz and Cordelia caught the pair of her and Xander kissing in the remains of the factory, Willow decided to go back after Oz and he eventually forgave her, she even offered to have sex but he refused knowing it was only to prove a point. Things between her and Xander seem to be getting strained as she doesn't hang with him like she use to, half of which is to keep Oz from getting the wrong idea and half is that she still carries feelings for him. This became evident when she cried alone in the girls room after learning Xander lost his virginity to Faith.

After Jenny Calander's death, Willow began to go through her techno-pagan's programs, Web sites, and books on the occult, and when she and Buffy discovered the spell to restore Angel's soul she was the one who cast it, despite the risks. She has since carried on her practise in the magical arts and become known to some as a powerful wicca. As the time to face down the Mayor at graduation neared Willow was at her wits end. She still couldn't fix Amy from being a rat, and she was probly going to die. She even snipped at Oz that he never panics. He responded by making love to her. She had finally lost her viginity and to a man she loved.
