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Dru's Guide To Unlife

Make Out Point

Manipulated Pictures


Stuff That Don't Suck

Willow's Fountain

Slayer Wars

Jenny Calander's Grave

Spike's FAQ Corner

Xander & Anya

Welcome to Buffy With A Vengence. Formaly Buffy The Remaining Sun,light. I hope you like the new lay out as it is the standaard all the other pages will be emulating from now on. All the best stuff is still here, Xander and Anya, Bios, Make Out Point, Slayer Wars, an all that. Sadly Adopted Stuff and the Quiz had to be sacrificed but not in vein )Yes pun intended) as new sectons are on the way. I have an Idea for a Buffy timeline that may or may not happen but all of that will come later. In Buffy related news Earshot finally aired to mixed reviews. Some thought it was a great episode, some thought it was not worth the wait. Personally I liked it and cant wait for the new season to start. Please, if you like this site and come here often which im not sure anyone does let me know what you want to change or how you would like it to look. Fan support is so needed as it is all I can go on and am loosing steam.