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Sometime back I was in the VA hospital for med adjustment,

During my stay there I was in day room sitting and felt bad,

As I arose to go to my room I could not walk, plus nauseated.  My legs would not carry me and I fell and I would get up, Only to fall again, An orderly looked and I heard him tell nurse that I had no color.  Was taken to my room and while taking my vital signs could here panic in voices that were around me.  Nurse sent for another on a different wing he came he felt my skin and heard him say he is cold and clammy get him on a gurney and crash cart ready! Remember a twinkle of light in my eyes and something said about my pupils.  Soon the warmth that enveloped me felt so good and not of this earth.  Was feeling a warmth that seemed to comfort me as if all was fine and nothing would ever hurt me again.  All the commotion was getting to sound farther away now.  I was in a really bright light and could sense good all around me. Soon I could see images and somehow I knew who they were.  Was such an inner peace inside me and I could feel it so strong.  Have never felt that as far back as I can remember.  Was being drawn too the warm light and could hear my Grand Parents saying something softly too me.  This seemed like it lasted forever.  Was no concept of time it meant nothing there.  Soon I was getting farther away from the warmth and soon it was no more.  I then opened my eyes and was hooked up to all this stuff and nurse ask me how I felt.  I just looked at her not saying anything at all. Then my Doctor came in and she ask me how I was, Asked her what was going on?  Her reply was we lost you last night for a while and was hard to get you back and stabilized!  It was then that I knew that I had died and was given a look into what was and is awaiting me after I leave here.  I still can feel it and I fear not death to this day.   Whatever is left for me to do here I do not know.  But there was a reason I know.  Have heard of near death experiences before and was not skeptic at all. Now I know beyond a shadow of doubt that there is a place that is for me when my job is done here and it is a great place.  Has taken me along time to put into words this experience and really it is hard to put into words.  But, I felt something inside of me urging me to write.  What has come out I have no idea until I go back and read for myself?  In closing I want all who read this just to focus on some of the words and deeply meditate on them.  This happened and I cannot Denny it. Take it for what its worth.  Was no war there no complaints just warmth all around and have still never felt that kind and know that I won't.  Was LOVE there beyond my wildest imagination.

© April 24, 1999 Jim Simpson 173d Airborne BDE. C 2/503 Infantry 67-68

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