The class of ECE-B 2001 prides of having the most number of officers in some important organizations of the Faculty of Engineering.
DX-1, UST's official amateur radio club, has four of it's top officials from the stable of B. Joel is named as Vice President. Having been consistent in past Dean's Lists, Joel fits the job as second in command after the incumbent President ECE-C friend Moiby Castillo. Rounding up the DX-1 officers from ECE-B 2001 are Macky, Rommie, and Cielo. These persons were also responsible for the strong membership of 5 ECE-B in DX-1.
Meanwhile, Marquee is named as the new webmaster of the UST Engineering Webteam. The computer genius himself, Marquee is expected to make things happen for the slow-paced development of the website. Calling the shots with him are veteran webteamer John-B, and Donats as Associate Webmasters; Kat-kat as Treasurer, Den-den as Auditor, and Jay as Logistics Officer. Allen Enrique of 3 ECE-B and Che-che Castaneda rounds up the appointed officers of the webteam. Though activities were stalled for weeks, the team was recently given the go signal to resume work for the website which was maintained last year by it's webmaster Weng Guevarra, also an ECE student.
The continued dominance of ECE-B 2001 in these organizations goes to show the competence of the class: Living proof that we are not just beauty and brains, we know responsibility too!
-03 Sept 2000