Elisa writes in green,
Alex Destine writes in HotPink,
Heather N. Allen (~H\A~) writes in yellow,
Caliope writes in Plum.

You may continue...

****************** I like these warnings too!! :P************
*Alex is now behind Elisa*
Alex: Elisa, tell Heather to stop looking at me like that! It's scarring me!
*she stops whinning as she sees the dead smurfs*
Alex: Ohhh, what the heck could be strong enough to do that to those crunchy, little things...
OOOooohh... crunchy! ^_^

*Caliope slaps her*
Cali: Would you STOP thinking about the crunchy smurfs!!!!
*Elisa gets her katana ready as her elegant red cape keeps floating in the wind*
Elisa: Fear not! I shall save you!
*looks majestic in her heroic pose*
*Heather, Caliope & Alex simply stare at her and say:...*
*Alex tries to steal a piece of the dead smurfs and Heather slaps it off her hands*
Alex: OUCH!
Heather: Don't eat THAT!! You don't know where it's been!!!

*Alex looks sad*

TBC...... ^_^
Alex Destine

Elisa: Okay now, we're gonna take care of this right now. Everybody make a circle and hold hands.
H\A: Eww! I don't wanna sit next to HER! ::continues death stare at Alex::
Alex: Hold her hand?! I don't think so.
Cali: What if the rabbits gave them cooties?
Elisa: PRETEND you like each other and DO AS I SAY! ::The katana is unsheathed with a 'shing' noise::
Others: ::jaws drop:: 'Okay' 'Yeah, sure' 'Whatever you say'....
::The group holds hands and all sit crosslegged in a yoga position. The mutated smurfs continue their attack, but are pummeled by the glowing-eyed beasts just before they can reach our heroes, who are busy clearing their thoughts in their 'Volunteer' therapy session::

NEXT!!! Your turn, Cali!
Heather N. Allen

************CALIOPE RP************
Alex.......*Cali confronts alex with the support of heather and elisa*,
Alex, we are your friends and as your friends wed like to tell you.....Alex, you have a smurf problem.....its for your own good....
*Alex gets up on the soup box* Hi....My name is Alex Destine and....and.....I AM A SMURFAHOLIC!!!!.....


**************Elisa, Continue***************
hehe, RP man.....
*looks at alex and raises an eyebrow* oy, i think i need to smack that problem from her.....
*whips out mallet and WHAMS alex upside her head* *she spins around and falls falt on her face* *cali, heather and myself stare down at her* *i grin slightly, put down the mallet and lean against a tree* *taking ot a pip and striing a matc, i light the pipe and puff softly*
(and no i don't smoke, it's just part pf te Rp. kay?)
heather> uhm, Elisa? why did you do that?

*i take anoter puff and reply*
because if alex says she's a smurfaholic, then she's definetly insane....and smacking the living crap outta someone usally works.....
alex, i believe it's yer turn :D

*********** Alex's RP turn*********** (thought I'd warn you :P)
*I start to wake up slowly after being whammed by Elisa's mallet*
Alex >Whaaaaa....? My head hurts... What's going on in here?!?!
And who the freaky heck SMACKED ME?!??!?!!

*Elisa, Heather & Caliope all turn around and start whistling, avoiding my question*
Alex > I know one of you did it!!
The bunnys are dead, and the smurfs are being killed right now by some mysterios creature who's going to eat us after it's done with the crunchy smurfs........ (crunchy..yummy :P)
So the smurfs are running away and the creature is busy capturing them,... which means that one of you three SMACKED me!!!... and HARD!
Elisa > Gee,... maybe we should run away and find shelter first.
Heather & Caliope > Yeah! Good idea! Let's do that!
*before we go I grab one of the crunchy little smurfs, but Heather sees me and wants to take it away*
Heather > You don't know where it's been!
Alex > It's mine I tell you, MINE!!
*Elisa starts to pull out her mallet again*
Elisa > Most I do this again?
Caliope > Wait Elisa! Don't waste the mallets on her! *hands her the secret weapon* Here! Use the mace!

Alex> CALI!!!

*the argument stops when we notice that we're the only ones making noise. All the smurfs are dead and the creature that had created the wild, unearthly scream.... was now starring at us!!!*

******* Guess what Heather?.... you get to tell us what we're gonna do with the Smurf-killer creature**** :P

(Alex and Heather are still on the smurf tug-of-war) It's mine!! HAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHA <--- maniacal laughter... (sorry about that...)
Your turn Heather.... ^_^
Alex Destine

***a lil' note from H\A (fwd this to everybody)***
Just letting you guys know...I was in a pretty bad car accident Jan. 28th (which is why it's taken me sooo long to reply). I'm okay, my pelvic bone was fractured (I'm using a walker and feel like a grandma) and my car was totaled, but it wasn't my fault and everyone's alive and everything.
I'm gonna drop the RP for awhile (it's taking me FOREVER just totype this) but keep it going! I wanna read it and when I feel better I'll jump right in.
Thanks (hopefully) for your understanding!
~H\A~ Heather N. Allen

****** lil note from Alex****
Heather > Course sugar! ^_^ hope u feel better soon!

*Heather suddenly dissapiars into a cloud of smoke taking the crunchy smurf with her. Alex then falls flat on her bun-buns*
'kay Cali, it's like, your turn to RP ^_^
Alex Destine

****lil note from Cali******
Heather: Aw, I hope you get better soon, we'll miss you til you get back! But dont you worry 'bout us, we can fend for ourselves against this evil unidentified unearthly screaming creature, right girls?!?!?
*Alex, Cali and Elisa stare and the monster trying to hide their fear and failing miserably at it*
Alex and Elisa> ...uh...sure, right...yeah, problem...we can hadle it....yeah, no prob-
*monster snarles*....AAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!! *All 3 girls run in the oposit direction*
Alex!!! We need reenforcements!!! Send for back up!!! Do somethin'!!!
*creature aproches*....tan tan taaaaaaan!!! To be continued!!!!
****Elisa! Your on!!!******

*it's MY turn now*
okay.....hey ho, here we go....

*stares over at the mysterious monster* *ponders and arches an eyebrow* *cali and alex run and hide, quivering behinf myself*

oh brother....

*i sigh, wham them both with my mallet* oh c'mon you two! are you girls of mice???

alex/cali> we're mice!!

i see.....*i'm not so amused*

okaaaayy.....*the monster comes forth revealing it's self*
*there stands a tiny little monster, around a foot tall* *it has green skin, long spiked hair, and talons*
*i stand there, openmouthed and look to the right* *but face narrows a tad, realising the monster was near a wall and was simply making shadow puppets*

*i clap my hand to my head and snarl* so...this is the big bad monster that's been giving us hell huh?
*i chuckles and squat down, taking a peek at him*
*i reach out, wanting to pinch his cheek*
*l* hehe, yer not so tough, are you? *cali and alex watch* *they then come out and walk over to the monster, giggling*
see?? nothing to be 'fraid of....
alex> i guess you were right Elisa :D
told ya'
*i then pat the monster on the head and turn to alex and cali*
*the monster grinz, open's it's mouth and sinks it's teeth right in my @SS*
*my eyes bug out* *i leap ten feet in the air, letting out a scream so loud, it could be heard for miles*


*alex and cali stare up at me, bewildered* *they look down at the monster and shudder, backing up* *their lips quiver*
*they look back up again* *i begin to fall down, still gripping my butt, which now my jeans have a HUGE hole*
*they shriek and run* *i fall on the ground, going into the dirt about five feet* *alex and cali's heads pop out from behind a tree and look at the hole i created from my landing*

*the monster slowly creeps over, laughing in an evil tone*

*the hole in the ground remains silent......*

okay alex, time to get brave on yer next one! :D


************************ Alex's little corner!******** :P*******
*Cali & I are still hidding behind the tree*
Alex: Gee... I think Elisa might need a little help, what do u think Cali?......... Cali?.......... CALI?!?!

*Cali looks at me startled*
Cali: Waaa?.... oh yeah, sure right...
Alex: *sighs*

OK!... Time to be brave!... or so Elisa says :P

*Alex walks up to the little green creature who's looking inside the hole Elisa made*
*the creature looks at me*
Alex: Alright Mr. Green thingie, I've had enough. How dare you show such lack of disrespect toward a person of such importance, someone who's so wonderful and clever and amusing, one of the few persons on Earth who deserves true recognition...

*Elisa pokes her head out of the hole and looks at me w/ teary eyes*
Elisa: Oh Alex... I didn't know you thought so highly of me... I don't know what to say...
Alex: Waaa?.... no silly... I was talking about me! :P
Cali: Oh brother.... *sighs*

*Alex goes and stands on top of a rock*
Alex: Now Mr. Thingie, you shall be at the mercy of my powerful army! I call thee forth..... KIWI SQUAD!!!

*from behind the rock we hear the sound of toilets flushing and from the depths of the plumming we see an army of Kiwis*
(hey... it's their mode of transportation... they're NOT stinky! Otherwise I wouldn't have them before my presence)

*the little green creature looks bewildered, meanwhile I go and take Elisa out from the hole*
Alex: You ok Elisa?
Alex: Whaaaaat? u're not still mad over that whole "I'm a wonderful person thing", are you?
Alex: Well fine!..... but u know I am :P

*we go behind the tree to where Cali is and watch the action as the KIWI SQUAD battles the evil green creature*
*suddenly we start hearing kiwi screams & we see little kiwi pieces all over the place*
*Cali & Elisa look at me*
Alex: teehee!.... ok, so maybe they needed a little training.... my bad! ^_^

******** ok Cali.... your turn! ******** :P ***********

Alex Destine

MMmmmmmmm!!!! Kiwi!!!! *wips out a bowl and starts dicing other fruits adding the bits of kiwi*.....needs some star fuit< br>.....this is WAY to healthy....*pulls out a bottle of coolwip and emplies it out on the fruit salad* There we go!!! *eats some*

*Alex and Elisa stare in amazement* *Cali stops eating* Whah?! You want some too?
*Alex and Elisa keep staring the nod eagerly*

Alex: Its looks tasty!!! ...needs some smerfs....

*All 3 sit and eat while the green monser battles the kiwi*
* the last kiwi splat is heard and all is silent...except for the munching*
Elisa: Mmm, this is good Cali!
Alex: Yeah, tasty!

Cali: Thanx! Why I.... *looks around the tree and monster aproches*...oh...maybe he wants some too?
*monster grrrrs*...maybe not....ALRIGHT!!! Thats it!!! Time to open a mighty can of creamy whoop ass on the monster!!!! *takes out her pie-zooka 2000 and aims*

Hasta la vista baby!!!! *shoots a full barrel on the monster* The monster is stuned but not fallen**now hes just pissed**...and creamy! *
....Some help would be nice now girls!!!!

*Alex and Elisa stop eating*.....OH Ok Fine!!!!

(Elisa!!! I leave you to a really pissed green monster!!! Have fun!!! :P )


***********Elisa's gunna put the smack*******
pissed this is something i've dealt with 'fore :P

hehehe :D

hey ho, here we go.....

ICK! *coughs* i wonder why i ate kiwi? i don't even LIKE kiwi! blah, oh well :D
cali> HEY! wasn't my fault i don't know what you like!

*i look over at alex and sniff* SO.....all that stuff you said about my WASN'T about me huh? *i slap myself* damn my syntax sucks today.....
alex> well......
so....i'm not great? *i frown and sniff*
*alex feels remorse for what she said* *i do have a BIG soft side to myself* *and so does alex* *hehe*
alex> *she sniffs* oh Elisa.....i didn't mean to hurt yer feelings...
*alex runs over and huggles me*
alex> I'M SO SORRY ELISA! WAAAAAAA! *she cries in my shoulder*
*i pat her on the head and cry back* it's okay alex.....c'mon....turn off the water works......WE CAN'T FALL APART!! *i cry as well*
*my arm promptly falls off*
*cali folds her arms and doesn't seemed so amused*
cali> i'm gunna hafta blast away that soft side from Elisa......
*i peer down at my fallen arm and raise an eyebrow* that ain't right...

*alex pulls away and glances down at my arm*
*openmouthed...she lets out a muffled cry and passes out* *cali walks over with a bottle of super glue*'s just an arm....
cali> oh you know alex.....she can be like that.....
yeah, so i've noticed....
*cali glues my arm back on and applies tape around it for support until the glue dries*
*meanwhile the green monster creeps up behind me and takes another chomp at my ass* *i jump up, cali flies backwards from the sudden fright*
*i scream again, clutching my stinging...bootie.... and notice the hole in my jeans has now gotten larger* :P

MAN the drafts out here are friggin COLD!!

*cali RUNS and sets down a trampoline for me to land on* *i fall back down, but land on the ground again....just missing the trampoline*
cali> damn....
*i stumble up whilst little birdies encircle my head* *cali takes one of the birdies and gobbles it down*
cali> hehe.....i'm still hungry cripes....that hole in my jeans has now completly grown.....
cali> actually....the entire backside of yer jeans have been bitten off
*cali snickers*
*i clap my hand to my forehead and grumble*
*i stumble off behind a tree and put on another pair of jeans* *BUT...i come back out in full armor and slam a helmet on my head*
*i now clutch my famous limburger cheese launcher and give it a good charge*
*cali's eyes widen as she notices my face has grown bright red and my teeth have been locked in a fierce sneer*
cali> uh oh....
*she then RUNS and hides, knowing darn well you never make me mad*
*and noting there's a ten mile range of destruction around myself when i'm mad*
*alex slowly wakes up and sees me in full armor, and holding my launcher* *she jumps up and joins cali in her hiding spot*

you lil' bunghole....

*the little green monster is now shaking as i clomp over and aim the barrel of my gun right straight in its face*

all right alex....let's see how bad i'm gunna whup this monster arse!

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