Katie's Photo Album

Thank you for visiting Katie's Photo album.

This is me, Katie's mom
at 7 mo. pregnant waiting on my baby girl.

This is the last ultrasound picture
we had done if you look really really hard
you can see her face. At this point
we knew she was going to look just like her father.

These are Katie's footprints.The nurses at the hospital
were nice enough to take them for me.

Katie's Resting Place on her 1st Birthday~June 26,2000

I know it's sad to show pictures of her resting place,
but they are the only ones I have to share with people
Except for the one we had taken right
after she was born (which I gladly, lovingly share with everyone).

This is Katie's resting place at decoration

Every 3rd Sunday in May the Church where Katie
now stays has decoration. Since Katie passed
away I have acquired quite a collection
of angels so I designed the flower that sits in front
of her headstone with an angel in the middle
and then we placed two more angels on either side of the marker.
The angel at the foot was given to her by my ex-sister-in-law.
I know she's got plenty of angels looking
over her in Heaven,but here she's got a couple too.

From Granny Annie

I think this says it all. "WE LOVE YOU KATIE!!"

Katie's Dad, Mom and big brother Shawn 07-2000


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