If you have seen the show “Charmed” before then you are probably thinking that I got my shows mixed up. This is not true at all, if you are thinking this then you have no idea what a Book of Shadows is. A Book of Shadows is a Witches/Wiccans personal journal of spells, rituals, and/or monsters that they have encountered.
If you are wondering why you haven’t seen Willows Book of Shadows, it’s probably because you just didn’t notice it. Her Book of Shadows is in the form of a notebook. The Book is shown in the episode called “Gingerbread”. In this episode two small kids are found dead in a park with a witches symbol on their hand. Willow is suspected of doing this. Anyway, the Book is shown when the gang is in the school and Willow leaves her books on a table while she does something else. When Willow is away form her books Buffy looks inside one of her notebooks and sees the symbol that was on the kids hands. That notebook is Willows Book of Shadows.
Now that I have explained that, I will tell you some other things that will be in the pages ahead.
You have probably heard Willow being called a Wicca and wondered what that was; well I am going to explain that to you. If you already know what that is that’s great.
I will also add spells that willow or some else has done and I will try and add some monsters that they have faced.
What Is A Wicca?
Wiccan Principles and Beliefs
Rules & Law
Wiccan Rede
13 Goals of a Witch
Tools of a Wicca
The Elements
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