To Banish Negative Forms From Your Home
Begin with a purification bath. Light the twin candles on the altar and burn a protective and/or cleansing incense. Fill your chalice with fresh water (be sure to consecrate it) and blessed salt. Kneel or assume the Goddess position as you say: "Naked come I into this sanctuary With love and faith From those who have gone before. Innocent am I in understanding Holy and pure in my love of all good and blessed things. Supreme Goddess, ruler of light, Lord of all Hear my prayer, Help me now to dispell this thing of unholiness This creature of darkness, Who dooms itself to shame and unhappiness. Save him if it is thy will to do so. Send him to the light. Mercy is the song I sing; Forgiveness the word most precious. In thy everlasting grace I say this. In humility I ask this. So mote it be." Take up the chalice of salt-water, face the east wall, dip your fingers intothe water, raise your hand and say: "Powers of the East Powers of the daystar rising And all fresh beginnings I purify you with salt and with water For good vibrations of friendship warmth and love." Then sprinkle some extra water and proceed to the south. Say: "Powers of the South Powers of the summer sun Which warms our bodies and our minds I purify you with salt and with water For good vibrations of friendship, warmth and love." Repeat in the west: "Powers of the West Powers of the purifying and cleansing waters From which all life comes. I purify you with salt and with water For good vibrations of friendship, warmth and love." Repeat in the north: "Powers of the North Powers of the earth, the ground On which we stand. I purify you with salt and with water For good vibrations of friendship, warmth and love." Then proceed around the room sprinkling water over all the thresholds,windows, and doorways and in all corners. REPEAT IN EVERY ROOM. Add more incense to the burner, take up, and do the same thing, using the same verses substituting "fire and air" in place of "salt and water." As before, proceed around the room censing all the thresholds, windows, doorways, and in all corners. REPEAT IN EVERY ROOM. Take the fire candle (or a candle for this purpose) and your athame and, starting at the door or entrance, walk slowly CLOCKWISE through the house, through each room pausing at each door, window, and mirror and moving the candle across it, also pentagramming each window, doorway, and mirror with the athame. Proceed room by room spiralling clockwise. All the while chant the following: "By the One Power I hereby consecrate this space To the Goddess and the God, According to free will And for the good of all; I hereby release, In all time and all space, Any negative cause, effect, manifestation, form or essence, Any negative event, thought, energy, idea or vibration, And transform it to And replace it with Only positive, joyous good In keeping with the Universal harmonies Of the Goddess and the God. This space is divinely protected This space is perfectly safe. Nothing and no one can enter this space Unless I (or my loved ones) allow them to. This space is sacred Consecrated and dedicated to positive living For myself and my loved ones And for the work of positive magic. No harm can come to this space, or anyone in it." As you draw each pentagram say: "Only good can enter here No negatives can enter All harm is sealed out." When you are back at the entry point conclude: "Love lives here Health lives here Abundance lives here (Name self and loved ones) live here We claim this space for ourselves, for the mutual good And so mote it be!"
Banishing Negativity
Life can get weighed down by stress and strife, even if we didn't cause those conditions ourselves. A disrespectful child, an ambivalent spouse, an insensitive boss... people such as these can drain our emotional reserves. Sometimes, it's just a matter of too much going wrong in our lives all at the same time. Maybe it's been "one of those days" for far too long. The car broke down, your hours were cut back at work, you lost $20. It makes you wonder what you did in a past life to deserve such karmic disaster! Often, it's not due to karma. It's because of the negative energies surrounding you. It's entirely possible that you didn't even create these negative energies yourself, at least to begin with. Negativity can pass from one person to another if one isn't properly shielded. We all know that like begets like, so once the negativity is in place, it attracts more of the same. Before you know it, everything in your life is in chaos and you have no idea what happened. Whether you understand how things got so chaotic or not, you can banish these energies effectively and leave room for wonderful and positive changes in your life. I use this technique periodically when I feel my life starting to get out of control and I have never known it to fail. In this ritual you will be calling on Hecate in Her Crone aspect. It is performed during the Dark of the Moon. Some people are fearful of working with the Dark Moon and the Crone, but She is the wise protector who will take your negativity and transform it in her cauldron of change. Begin by setting up your altar as you normally do for ritual, making sure you have a black candle and wine or water in your chalice in addition to anything else you use. You will also need a cleansing, purifying incense and a censer or some kind of container which can be carried around your home. (I use a large shell to hold smouldering charcoal, or stick incense.) It is best to set your altar on the floor for this rite, but you may do it however you feel most comfortable. Cast your circle as you normally do. When you are through, kneel before your altar and light the black candle. With your arms held, palms upward, at your sides, call Hecate by saying three times: "Hecate, beautiful Crone of Night I call you here to put things right. Transform the negative thought and pain And help my life be whole again." Close your eyes. When you feel the presence of Hecate and know she is there to help you, open your eyes. Bow your head to her to show your reverence, then take the chalice, saying: "Lady of the Dark Moon, Share with me this wine. Bring your protection to Flood this life of mine. May the waters of your eternal womb Bring change most divine." Sip a small amount of the wine (or water), envisioning it as liquid energy, flowing to effect a positive change within and outside of you. Leave the rest as an offering to Hecate. Light the purifying incense in the censer, cut a door in the Circle, and, beginning in the eastern-most corner of your home, smudge your home, going counter-clockwise. Go into every closet, the bathroom, the garage - make sure your entire house is smudged. As you go, chant: "Negativity be gone." Come back into the Circle and visualize your entire house and yard bathed in a peaceful blue light. Since you have created a void by banishing the negativity, you will need to fill that void. Now going deosil (clock-wise), re-trace your steps through the house, asking that good, protective spirits come into your home and that positive energies replace the negative ones that have just been banished. This is an important step, because if you don't fill the void with something good, the negativity will come right back. Sometimes during such a ritual, I take one large and one small black stone and charge them to keep away negativity. I promise Hecate that the large one will remain in a prominent place in my house and that I will keep the small one with me at all times. Thank Hecate. Meditate if you wish, visualizing your life free from negative happenings and feelings and full of love, prosperity, and happiness. Feel how She has changed your home and your life. Close the Circle and know that it is done. It is my hope that this ritual, used as given or adapted to suit your individual needs, will assist in banishing those things which have negative influences on your life. Remember that magick, no matter how powerfully it is worked, will have little effect unless it is truly your will to change things. This short rite can get rid of outside negativity, but if the negativity that plagues you is of your own making, you must do whatever is in your power to change your life. As workers of positive magick, it is our responsibility to take charge of our own lives; to make things better for ourselves before we can make things better for the world. And making things better for the world is, ultimately, our best and most important goal.
Negativity Releasing Spell
Items needed • 1 obsidian (should be at least 1") • 1 rose quartz (size doesn't matter here) This is well done during the waning (dark) of the moon, but any time will work. You will want to do this when you are at home alone or somewhere where a great deal of noise will not attract undue attention. Hold the obsidian in your right hand (I am assuming that your right hand is your power hand....). Begin to think on your negativity and its roots. Trace it as far back as you can. *NOTE* Do not try to analyze the whys and wherefores of not feel guilty for feeling angry at anyone person or thing....let yourself be mad! Feel all your anger and sadness and depression and guilt and all other emotions begin to boil. Let yourself get rompin'stompin' mad! Scream...jump up and down...spit....curse...yell... do what ever it takes to emotionally explode! As you are doing this...focus all of this outgoing force into the stone. Do not worry about harming the stone....obsidian likes to absorb negative junk. When you feel you are 'empty' of the pain, throw the obsidian as far from you as you possibly can. *NOTE* if you are inside, it is best not to throw stones :-). Place it in a brown paper sack and toss it in a river later. Now, turn your back on the stone. Don't worry about someone else finding it and getting all your stuff....the obsidian will leach it back into the Earth and it will be transformed. Of course, you don't want to retrieve the stone. Once you have turned your back....take a deep breath. Place the rose quartz in your recieving hand (left, if you are right handed). Sit down, lie down...get comfy. Think about the color of the quartz in your hand. Remember that everything has a purpose...and that you are a good person. Remind yourself that this rose quartz is a physical representation of your heart and pour love into it. Tell it all your loves and dreams and hopes. When you are done, place the rose quartz in a safe spot...maybe your pocket? and have a cup of tea!
A Spell of Banishment
This is a spell for love gone wrong, for ending a personal, family or business relationship that you no longer wish to be in. I wrote it years ago as an anti-stalking spell, and have not been troubled by or even laid eyes on the spell's subject since then. It is a fire spell. To work it, gather herbs of protection and an image of the person (photograph, poppet, etc.) Something written in their own hand, a lock of hair, a piece of clothing or a personal object will also do. Put everything into a fireproof container - iron cauldron, marble mortar, whatever - and set fire to it as you perform the spell. It should make a very satisfactory blaze that reduces to ashes. The ashes can be buried or washed down a drain. Flush them down a toilet if you are very angry. Dispose of all the objects that connect you to the person: gifts, letters, photographs, etc. It is especially important to get rid of jewelry. Move house if you have to. Be careful with this spell. It's permanent, so don't use it unless you really mean forever. It's also powerful. The person I used it against had a pregnant wife, and their child was born with a hole in its heart.
by basilisk and bloodstone
by the garlic in the fields
by the poppies and what they yield
invisibly I make my shield
to detect thee and deflect thee
By dragon's blood and salamanders
by horses when their hooves strike sparks
by the dragon breathing flames
from the Book of Life I erase thy names
I cut the cords and unlock the chains
I sever all the ties by which we were bound
and with impenetrable walls myself I surround
against thy power and its source
against thy evil and its source
Vesta, Pele, Lilith
Kali Kali Kali
I banish thee forever from me
and any harm from thee to me
doubles back and tables turned
thou shalt by thyself be burned
Lilith, Vesta, Pele
Kali Ma Kali Ma
by the power of three times three
I banish thee, I banish thee, I banish thee
I am set free
So mote it be!
A Spell To Get Rid Of Unwanted Guests, Or Those Who've Outstayed Their Welcome:
sprinkle salt in their shoes and imagine them outside your home.
Magickal Cleansing and Lifting a 'Curse'
Recently I worked in a small office with many young women from very superstitious backgrounds. I was astonished at the number of them who came to me (once it got out that I was a witch) telling me that they were sure someone had placed a curse on them or their family, and asking me if I could do anything about it. In my opinion many of them were too ready to believe in a supernatural explanation for any small thing that happened to them, and because they believed they were cursed, they drew bad luck to them.
Please don't assume, just because you have a run of bad luck, that you've been cursed or hexed or ill-wished. It can lead to all sorts of nasty assumptions and accusations of (usually) innocent people. Even people who claim they have cursed you, or will do so, are often bluffing. (I know - I used to try and bluff my way past high school bullies with that one, and sometimes it did scare them off, at least temporarily. I never carried out the threat, though). If you've wronged someone in the past, even unintentionally, don't assume that they're behind your current misfortune; it's more likely that the law of returns is at work. Get out there and do something positive to change your luck for the better.
If you have been suffering from a series of mishaps or bad luck, there are things you can do to turn it around. The first thing I advise is to clean the cobwebs out - literally! Clean up your room, your office space, your whole house if you can. Do as much of the following as you can:
Get rid of clutter. It develops an atmosphere of stagnation and prevents movement, both literally and symbolically. Visualise yourself turfing out all the unwanted energies from your life, ridding yourself of negativity and doubt and fear.
Open up all your windows (and doors, if possible). It's best to do this on a sunny day, naturally. Throw them wide open to receive the cleansing and blessings of the sun and wind.
Wash down as many washable surface areas as you can with some kind of liquid on which a blessing has been performed. You can use an elaborate ritual blessing or something quick like 'Lady and Lord, bless this water for purification, protection and love'. Suggestions: water in which some chopped-up lemons have been steeped overnight, or rosemary infusion; either one smells good as well as adding a nice protective touch.
Next, cleanse the area with a purifying incense; you can use a blend, or one of the following alone: cedar, frankincense, copal, gum arabic. If you can't stand the smell of incense, use an essential oil burner, carried on a tray or in a baking dish to guard your hands. Use purifying and protective oils; I like a few drops each of sandalwood, frankincense and myrrh, and a drop of lemon. Walk through the entire area, holding the incense/burner up so that its fragrance penetrates every corner. I sometimes like to sprinkle blessed salt water about, and to set white candles burning merrily in every room (do this *after* closing the doors and windows!). You can add a chant while sprinkling/fumigating/lighting; I like 'Banished be, negativity!', it's short but to the point.
Finally, when the area smells all clean and holy, looks clean and is blazing with light, sit down and enjoy. Eat something, preferably something bready; you'll need it after all that work, and it'll help ground you in your newly cleansed space.
Once all this is over and you've recovered from the work, cast a few spells to get things moving, and to pull some good fortune your way...
To Lose Your Troubles
To rid yourself of troubles, take a handful of earth and gaze into it ; pour into it all your problems and troubles. Outline in minute detail all of those problems that are plaguing you. When you have completed this process, throw the dirt behind you and walk away from it, not turning back. It is done.
Simple Binding Spell
Bindings should only be done when all other avenues have been exhausted. Try to work things out with the other person; honest communication can often solve many problems. If the person in question is someone you'd rather not deal with, try as hard as you can to stay away from him or her. Bindings are one of those "last resort" spells -- something to be done only when absolutely necessary to prevent harm from coming to you or your family. Always, always remember the Rede and the Law of Three when doing spells of any kind. And NEVER wish anyone harm -- do all spells for "the highest good of all." If you cannot do a binding from a place of peace, don't do it at all.
For this binding, you will need some heavy paper or cardboard, a dull-colored yarn (such as a dreary grey or muted red), and a black candle. It is best done during a waning moon, or during the Dark Moon.
Draw and cut-out a basic human shape. A gingerbread man-type of shape will work fine. When you have the shape cut out, draw features on it to resemble the person you wish to bind. You can use markers, crayons, pencils... whatever you feel comfortable using. Form a mental image of the person as you draw his/her features. Pay attention to details such as clothing and any particular identifiers such as glasses, scars, etc. Focus your intent as you draw, concentrating on why you need this person to leave you alone.
When you have the figure completed, fold it in half length-wise, with the features turned in. Light the black candle and sit for a few minutes, holding the folded figure. Gaze at the candle flame and concentrate on the black candle absorbing all the negativity this person has caused in your life. If you have hatred or anger for this person, throw it into the candle and ask that it be taken away.
Now, take the yarn and slowly, with much concentration and visualization, wrap it tightly around the figure, chanting quietly as suits your needs. Name the image as you chant. For example, if you wish an abusive ex-spouse to leave you alone, so you might chant: "You are (person's name). You have no power over me anymore. You will leave me alone." Call on any patron deities you might have, especially those who are protective, and ask Their help. Build the power with your chanting as you wrap the figure over and over.
When the figure is completely wrapped, thrust all your power into it. Know that this person cannot do harm to you or anyone else. Hold the bound figure over the candle (but not touching the flame!) and say,"(Person's name), I bind you in the name of the Lord and Lady. You can not harm me. You can not harm my family. You can not harm yourself. You are bound by my will; so mote it be!"
Place the bound figure in a safe place -- perhaps your magickal cabinet or at the bottom of a dresser drawer -- and leave it alone. Know that you are safe from the negative intentions of the person you have bound. It is done.
If necessary, renew the spell at each full cycling of the Moon by taking the bound figure out and charging it again over a fresh black candle.
Cauldron Magick: To Bind a Trouble Maker
BEST TIME: Waning Moon
Situate the cauldron between 2 black candles, with a third black candle opposite you on the far side of the altar. Burn a protection or binding incense. Have the names of your enemies writtenon a smallpeice of parchment. If the names are unknown, merely write all my enemies. Sprinkle basil and elder flowers into the cauldron. Say:Bubble, bubble, cauldron bubble
Burn the evil, destroy the trouble.Ignite the parchment from the central candle and drop into the cauldron. Take up the wand and stir the air above the cauldron while chanting:
Darkness ended, control is done.
Light has come. My battle's won.Take the ashes and herbs outside. Throw them up to the winds and the Moon.
Freezer Binding Spell
I've heard variations of this from several sources, one of them a woman whose mother used this charm against her daughter's boyfriends if she didn't like them! It's best done just after the Full Moon, or at least while the moon is waning, and in my experience at least, needs to be renewed every month or when the person starts bothering you again.
Write the name of the person you wish to prevent from harming you on a piece of paper. Gaze at the paper and visualise the face of the person in question; see their face vividly imprinted on the paper. Then, fold the paper three times. Tie it up with black thread or string, and put into a small watertight container (baby food jars are ideal). Fill the container with water, and place in a nook of the freezer where it's unlikely to be disturbed, saying 'Stay there and freeze as long as I please'.
A Book Binding Ritual
Those of us who study the old ways of natural magic are usually fond of books. Our fondness often leads us to loan them to friends. Unfortunately, loaning a book may mean that we'll never see it again. Hence, this book binding ritual. It utilizes knot magic. Binding and knots are ruled by the element Earth. In natural magic, knots are physical objects that both represent intangible goals (such as the return of loaned property) and absorb personal power. The following spell utilizes the power of the knot in this way. This ritual is not intended to force or to coerce another human being to return a book; it's a spell to ensure the book's return. It doesn't affect the loanee; it affects the book itself. Before you loan the book, hold it between your palms. Send personal power into it while saying:
By hill and wind,
By flame and brook,
By shining moon and sea;
I place a bind
Upon this book
That it return to me.Wrap one foot of plain white cotton string around the book, securing the string with a knot. Knot tightly, but leave enough slack so that you can slip off the string with out untying the knot. As you make the knot, visualize the book returning to you, and say once again;
By hill and wind
By flame and brook,
By shining moon and sea;
I place a bind
Upon this book
That it return to me.Slip off the knotted cord. Put it in some secret place. As you actually loan the book, say the words again (even under your breath). The book should, indeed, return to you. Once it has, untie or cut the cord. It's done its work.
Book Return Spell
This is to be used when you have lost a book or have loaned it out and not gotten it back. Visualize the book. Visualize yourself tying a silver cord around the book snugly. Now start to pull on the cord, continue pulling until the book is in your hands. If the book does not show up in the next few days, realize that maybe it wasn't meant to come back to you. Can also be used for other lost items.
Cord Binding Spell
This spell is adapted from one by DJ Conway in the 1996 Llewellyn Magickal Almanac. Take a short length of black thread.
Tie a knot in one end, saying: 'One to seek him/her/it.' (choose whichever pronoun is appropriate)
Tie a knot in the middle, saying: 'One to find him/her/it,'
Tie a knot in the other end, saying: 'One to bring him/her/it,'
Tie the two ends together, saying: 'One to bind him/her/it.'
Bury the knotted thread far away from your property or drop it on a road or waste ground far from where you live.
And that's right, the rhyme is adapted straight out of Tolkien! However, I do NOT recommend that you finish off this spell with 'In the land of Mordor where the shadows lie'!
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