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Another Level are Da Bomb

Top 3 Another Level Songs

Info On The Guyz

Another Level's Music
Da Levs Link Page with more on Another Level + Msg Board
Latest Another Level News From Dotmusic Site
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Chatroom and stuff

Thank you for visiting my Another Level website, please come back and visit again, sorry if it isn't updated much it's cos I can't get on here much now, still love the guys loads though.

'Kiss your rainy days goodbye, just blue skies and sunshine, come chill with me'

Another Level's single 'From The Heart' reached No6 in the charts and 'Summertime' feat TQ reached No7 in the charts.

Congratulations to Dane, Wayne, Mark and Bobak, at getting to No7 in the charts with their new album Nexus..., which it out in the shops now, so go get it if you haven't 'cos it's one of the best RNB albums out, all the tracks are good and I must say it's way better than the first, although I still love the first album.

Another Level's new single 'Bomb Diggy' is released on Monday, 1st November, the song is the bomb. I've gotta say it's one of my favs when I saw them live in May, it's No1 with me already, hopefully it will do really well. Good Luck Guys! *smile*

Also they release their first long form video on Monday, 22nd November which is called 'Another Level From The Heart...' which features their recent performance at the Shepard's Bush Empire, plus intimate interviews with them in their homes.

HAPPY 21st BIRTHDAY BOBAK for the 1st November, hope you have a great birthday and have loadsa fun!

Also I've got a msg board on the other page (think I've added it to the front now), no one seems to be using it at the mo apart from Marcia *smile*, if you want to chat or leave msgs for each other or info on the guys, please feel free to do so. I've added a Another Level Forum, which has a msgs board and chatroom on, where you can talk to other AL fans, just have to spread the word about it though. :-)

See Ya, Take Care, Peace & Love Claire

Keep Lovin' Da Lev!!!!
