AJ McClean

This AJ page is dedicated to Narith, who thinks he's sooo sexy, and also to Nary who thinks he's sexy too.

Vital Stats/Informazioni Importante:
Full name/Nome Completo:Alexander James McLean
B-date/Compleanno: January 9, 1978 (which means he's a capricorn, ladies) in West Palm Beach, Fla.
Siblings/Fratelli: Well, AJ is an only child (lucky, or sad?)
Height/Altezza: 5'9"
Nickname/Nomignolo: BONE (hehehehe......)
Fave food/Alimentare Favorito: Micky D's (or McDonalds)
Fave colour/Colore Favorito: Yellow
Fave cologne/Acqua di colonia Favorita: Joop (I wonder what that smells like...)
Hobbies/Svagi: b-ball, golf, poetry, shopping, pool, dancing(yeehaa!)

Star swirl: Ok, since AJ is a Cap boy(a hot earth cap) he is (supposedly) laid back and not very possessive. His perfect matches are hot water gals. Hot water b-dates: March 6-20; July 8-22; November 7-21

BaCk HoMe