Howie Dorough

This Howie page is dedicated to mah buddy Talisha, who loves him despite the fact that he's 5" shorter than she is. :)

Vital Stats:
Full name: Howard Dwaine Dorough
B-date: August 22, 1973
Siblings: John, Pollyana, Angie, and Caroline, who died.
Height: 5'7"
Nicknames: Howie D, Latin Lover(Whoo-haa!!), and Sweet-D.
Fave food: Asian
Fave colour: Purple
Hobbies: Weightlifting, dancing, waterskiing, watching movies.

Star swirl: Our sweet Howie D is a hot fire leo!! His ideal matches are hot air girls (just don't be full of it!). Hot air B-dates: February 6-19; June 7-21; October 8-22.

BaCk HoMe