Nick Carter

This Nick page is dedicated to May, who was willing to beat me up to defend him.

Vital Stats:
Full name: Nickolas Gene Carter (take a good look at the way the name is spelled. NO 'H'!!!)
B-date: January 28, 1980 (..this is the dawning of the age of Aquarius....the age of Aquarrioooouuuuussss!)
Siblings: BJ, Leslie, Aaron, Angel
Height: 6'1"
Nicknames: Frack, Kaos, and just plain 'Nick' will do nicely.
Fave food: Micky D's
Fave cologne: Gravity (he does have quite a hold on people, doesn't he?)
Hobbies: Scuba diving, drawing, playing video games.

Star swirl: Nick is a cool air aquarious. No wonder why he has sooo many admirers! His best matches are with cool water babes.
Cool water B-dates: February 20-March 5; June 22-July 7; October 23-November 6.

BaCk HoMe