Our information page!!!

Well, we're surpised that you even bothered to read about us!!! Wow!!! We feel so special!!! Anywayz, let's cut to the chase shall we? We (Al B. and Al T.) have known each other for ten years. That's a pretty long time isn't it?! OK, we decided to build this site during a slumber party!! It's taken a lot of work to put together, though. So you damn well better like it!! (J/K) Here's some separate info on the two of us:

Al B.: hmmm.....let's see here...well, I'm trying to teach myself how to play a guitar(talk about hard!!) and how to speak italian :) I'm also a mad scientist in my free time (bwah hah hah hah), that is...when I'm not listening to the BSB!!. Thanx for comming!
Al T.: Hello! I'm a year younger than Al B. uh....I play the flute and sing in the choir. I also play b-ball!! So do the BSB!! What a small world!
Talisha: She is our honorary third partner. She loves the BSB as much as we do! So, we luv ya TD!

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