My opinions are all I have to give....

Ok, a bunch of other sites have comments on this thing, so I decided that i didn't want to be left out. Boy. I can't believe this thing. I'm glad it came out before I became a fan. :) NEwayz, I do not mean to offend or be mean to them, but this thing is too stupid for words. :0 After all, you poke at those whom you love the most, right? Note: my comments are in purple.

Everything I have is for you
gimme a break...I wasn't born yesterday.
My name is Kev
And my name is what?
And I like the type of girl who can love me for me
any dumb chick will tell ya that buddy...
The type of girl who I can hold in my arms
Sigh.....THUD!!!! ::passes out, gets back up::
And give her all that I have to give
Yes, Kevin!! YES!! (ahem)
And if you're that type of girl,
ME!!!! ME!!!!!!
Then you're gettin' all of my love
Don't I wish...I'll have to beat all the teeny boppers of ya with a stick!
My love, my love
That's right, baby
Hi, my name is Brian
and I only like blondes with big boobs.
But, uh, you can call me B-Rok
'Cause I'll be rockin' your house {laughs}
AAHH!!! I gotta go clean up my room!!
Nah, I'm just playin'
just like brian...shatter a poor girl's dreams (sob...sniff)
But, on a real tip, I like a serious girl
we all know that's not true, little man
Somebody who's, uh, gonna be smart
HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!! *choke....wheeze....GASP!...cough....
A girl who even, uh, even likes to go to school, maybe
You know what? This hesitation shows that Brian would never go for a smart girl. And that stinks cuz I am one.
(Yo, Brian, stop lyin')
Someone who speaks the truth!!
No, come on Nick, for real...
But Leighanne has the IQ of a toaster!!
I like a girl who's got a good head on her shoulders, man
good?? that's a pretty vague term....
(Yeah, right)
Listen to Nick!! He knows the truth!!
Come on
you know he's right you whiny little.....
My love, My love
(All my love is for you)
My love, my love
(I'm gonna give it to you)
My love, my love
(My love is all I have to give)
My name is Howie D., and this is how we do it
Does he really like saying that or is he being paid to act like a dork?
I like the type of girl that one day she'll become my wife
Hold up!! Wut you sayin, foo? Maybe I'll think about it when you cough up a diamond ring the size of a grapefruit.
We'll get married, and she'll make me breakfast
Yeah right! All you're getting from me is a damn poptart with that 'tude.
She'll make me lunch, and my dinner where's that recipe for liver and kidney casserole?....
I want bacon and eggs
I HATE bacon! As for the eggs, make 'em yourself! All you have to do is put 'em in the pan and heat 'em till they stop moving!!
Pancakes, orange juice, mashed potatoes, turkey, guacamole, chicken...
psh!! I'm a lover, not a cook, foo.(lol)
(Yo, yo Howie, Howie! Chill! Howie, Howie!)
Yeah!! going overboard there....
Hey, yo, my name is A.J, and I like the kind of girl That will let me do everything for her
I kinda like this arrangement....
Let me make you breakfast, Let me make you lunch
That's fine as long as your definition of "cook" isn't "drive to McDonald's"(but it probably is).
Let me make you dinner, baby
um....ok...i guess. I know he wants something in return though.....
And then after that, let me just make you happy
AHA!! I told you so! Like he actually cares about my needs....
You see, Howie, that's how you gotta do it man...
Yup...Yup...AJz da man...
Howie, Howie... Yo, yo, D! (Yo, why you gotta dis me like that for?)
Cuz you were asking for it, foo.
My love, My love
(All my love is for you)
My love, my love
(I'm gonna give it to you)
My love, my love
(My love is all I have to give)
My name is Nick and I like the kind of girl who loves to go dancing
..and do it badly enough to make me look fly.
The type of girl who likes to move her body
I can do that.I'll move the back of my hand really fast towards your face.
The type of girl who likes to shake what her mama gave her
oh god no.....
The type that will let me hold her hand ... and then kiss her
aww....sounds tempting
The type that will let me take her to the movies ... and then kiss her
As long as you have a breath mint.
The type that will let me hold her so tight...
...with parents who won't press charges after I suffocate her.
and then kiss her, and kiss her, and kiss her, and kiss her, ha, ha
AAAH!!!! This is getting way outta hand!! Get off me!
My love, my love
(All my love is for you)
My love, my love
(I'm gonna give it to you)
My love, my love
(My love is all I have to give)
My name is B-Rok and I'm gonna always love ya
as long as you bleach your hair and wear push up bras.
My name is A.J. and I'm gonna always love you
Are you sure you have the energy?(hehehehehe)
My name is Howie... Howie-doin' sweetheart?
Yet another damn stupid pun.
And my name is Nick and I will always love you
You don't even know me....
And, baby, My name is Kev and I just want you to know that I will always love You
SEE!!! You all saw it!! Kevin Loves ME!!!!
Yes, baby... No Diggity
What the hell do they know about 'diggity'?
All I have to give
Without you I don't think I can live
I wish I could give the world to you lady
But love is all I have to give

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