Ally's Candid Opinions

Hey Everyone!! This is Ally B. here!! I decided that it was about time to let everyone know how I feel about the BSB. Note: I LOVE all the Backstreet Boys and would gladly jump off a cliff to meet them. Actually, when you really think about it, I'm defending the BSB in the face of several critics!!


Is it really true that he's a nypho? I hear that all the time!! Saftey first....Actually, I think AJ is really cool, but I wouldn't recommend him getting more tattoos. He has enough already. He'll regret it when he's old and saggy cuz then they'll be irrecognizable.
And another thing, he's too skinny....heck....I could probably snap him like a twig!! Hmm....he has pretty eyes, but I think he looks a lot better in sunglasses than without, don't you? Whenever I mention him in my Econ class, my friend Nary is like "oh he looks soooooo good!!" I kinda agree with her. He has that bad boy look thingie going on that makes him seem really sexy. Oh, yeah. I forgot to mention that some site had a pic of him with his finger up his nose. That's kinda gross and definitely not good for his image.


OK!!! OK!! I admit it!! I used to be absolutely in love with Brian!! He had the best voice and those baby blues just grabbed me...sigh.... But I think I have grown older and wiser. My illusiuions were dashed when I discovered that he preferred blodes with pretty eyes (considering the fact that I'm a brunette with fairly average eyes) boy....he's picky.... I just have one question, why is he dating a chick that is older than he is? Isn't she like 30 or something? Well, I take comfort in the fact that in ten years she'll be hittint the big 40 and I'll be in mah prime :) Yeah, I have a pretty positive outlook.... You can learn from me.... j/k.


Why does everyone say that Howie is a troll!! That is cruel and uncalled for. Granted he's not my favourite guy, but he seems like a nice person. He definitely looks a hella lot better with facial hair. And as far as I know, he's not gay. And what's up with those high notes? How in the hell does he do that?!?! I couldn't even hit those notes when I was 5!! I guess his pants are too tight or something....And NO, he will NOT open up a gay strip club called the House of Latino Love. Howie never gets no respect and that's not fair. BTW, does he really have a drooling problem. I've heard that. I know he winks too much....muscle spasms? Your guess is as good as mine.


All I have to say is Kevin is DA MAN!!!!! He is one of those guys that when you see them walking down the street you think to yourself "Damn! That is a very fine specimen of the male anatomy." Ans I'd like to say that I like is eyebrows!! They give him character and personality, so there!! And if you don't like them....well TOUGH CRAP!! And there are just no words to describe the way he looks in the larger than life video....sigh...THUD!! ::Ally revives after fainting:: Just thinking about it make mes feel all tingly. :) And another thing, he's NOT slow, dammit!! He's mature and deliberate. I like's if you mess with Kev, you're messing with me!! So back off!!!


All I hear is how stupid Nick is or how fat he is. How rude!! He's a total hottie. He's not fat, he's just "healthy." And I know he sometimes uses the wrong words at the wrong places, but what do you expect, he never went to high school GOSH DARNIT!! I think it make him even more adorable. Therefore, I am defending Nicky's malapropisms. If you don't know What 'malapropism' means, look it up! J/K! It means the improper use of large words. Got it? Good. Well, let's see....he has really good hair too. that's always a plus. :) BTW, is his girlfriend really a slut? I'm curious. :) Email me if ya know for sure. :) give hope to Nick luvas everywhere...

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