OMG!! Reichan is flaming idiot!!

HAHAHAHAHA!!!(devious cackle....) This is Reichan here....the gurl-powa-kick-booty alter ego of Ally B. Let's see here....I decided to share my stupidity with you all!! My mission in life is to sing I Want It That Way in public as many times as possible!! Heck...I did it like fifty times at Disneyland and got lotsa applause!! I bet the BSB spirits are sooo proud of me!! I've also sung at Sears, Monkey(Montgomery)Wards, CompUSA, Best Buy, Albertsons(the cashier lady even sang with me), some dumb store at the mall....uh..JCPenny... i think that's it for now......I love to see the look on my momma's face when I do it too!
Oh yeah, here are some nifty cliques that match the 'tudes of Al T and me!!

Reichan is pissed off now.....
AAAAHHHHH!!!!!!!! I dont get to go to the BSB concert!!!! My life is over!!! I wanted to go!!! ::throwing hissy fit:: I'm so mad I could PUKE!!!! I DESERVE to go to that damn concert, GOSH DARNIT!!! is sooooo unfair.....(yeah..I'm venting)
Note from Al T:'re kinda bitter right now.....
You're damn right I'm bitter!!
Quick!! get the tranquilizer gun!! Hold still you $#@*!!::BANG!!!!!::
HAHAHAHAHAHA!!!! you missed meeeee!!! But I'm done venting now...I have resolve my inner torment, at least for a little bit.....
Yeah right....give me a break.....

Date:October 7, 1999
This is really stupid....I know for a fact that some of you people talk and even kiss your Backstreet Boy posters! Well, today I was watching my mom play a video game and the character got thrown off a polar bear and flew over a lake. I'm in AP Physics, so I thought about all these kinematic equations to figure out every aspect of the projectile motion( I'm what?!). I tried to explain it to my mom, but it confused her. So, I decided to go to my room. Then I realized "Hey! I can tell the BSB how to find the range of a projectile!!" So, I explained everything to my posters. What made it so funny was the fact that in one of the posters, Nick has a totally weird look, so it seemed like he was confused!! Heck, if I tried to explain this to the REAL Backstreet Boys, they'd probably have the same confused, glazed look that they have in the posters!!! Let's be honest here....they're not exactly rocket scientists, you know....

Date: October 21, 1999
DAMMIT!!!! My cousin was gonna buy me BSB tickets!! Third row from the stage!! BUT, we didn't have time to drive to the place where the concert was gonna be! God, life is sooooo unfair.

Date: November 10, 1999
Hey all....I forgot to mention something. A couple of weeks ago when I went to visit a college campus, we passed this little town. In this little town, they were building a set of new homes. Here's the funky part, the homes were called "Littrell Homes" My mom pointed it out to me. I told that now we gotta move to the new houses there. It must've been some sort of sign...Also, I sang I Want it That Way again. This time at the college and at the mall over there.... :)

Date: November 24, 1999
Hello there! I auditioned for a part in our school musical. I was going to sing "criminal" but I changed it to the BSB's "Show me the meaning...." Heck...I got called back! Thanx boys!!!

Date: December 25, 1999
I didn't get ANY Backstreet boy things for Xmas!!! What is up with that!!

Date: December 30, 1999
Yeah!!! I got BSB planner for my birthday!! So now....on Mondays, I say "it's a ________ week" (fill in the blank with the name of a BSB) It's about time that someone gives me something BSB. Oh yeah, my brother got me the first BSB CD to replace the one he broke.

Date: January, 2000{new year!!!}
Well, not even the boys could save me this time.....I didn't get a good part in our musical. :( I'm in it though, but as like 3 different little things. :o

Date: February 12, 2000
OMG!!!!! My mommie REFUSED to order me a backstreet boy valentine message!!!! I wanted one sooooo badly!!! ugh!!! not even puting and throwing a hissy fit worked...i demand restitution!!!

Date: February 14, 2000
Today, my mom bought me a ultra-fine poster of Nick. It's not the same as a v-day message, but I can't complain. I beginning to like nick more....then I tell myself "don't like Nick....don't like Nick....everyone likes Nick....." What do you think?

go home!!