Nick Theory

Ok, I hear lots of people say that Nick has gotten fat recently. Well, for the record HE'S NOT FREAKIN' FAT OK!!!!! put all these rumours to rest, I consulted my mother on the issue. She's usually pretty logical. :) So she came up with this theory that makes a lot of sense. Thus, if you are a Nick fan, and you hear someone dissing your man, tell them this. Not only will it defend him, but it will make you seem really smart for backing up your opinion with hard science. :)

The theory about Nick
Ok....Nick is not fat. He is merely more sensitive to changing environments. Allow me to explain. When things heat up.....they expand (that's why there are cracks in the sidewalk...also why bread rises when you cook it). Therefore, he's not getting fat, he's expanding because of unusually hot weather. If you put him in a colder environment...he'll probably look a lot thinner since he would condense.

See? Now doesn't that make a lot of sense? You can thank me later... :)

My little brother's theory....i just had to ask....
Well, my little brother had something to say about this whole Nick thing also. So, I decided to post it. Since Nick is a scuba diver, he's seen lots of fish, right? Therefore, he could learn some fish adaptaions...the adaptations of the Blowfish namely. OK, when Nick gets nervous or feels threatened...he puffs up! Would that mean he's been really nervous lately? Perhaps he should switch to decaf. :)

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