Are you (yes, you) a BSB Fanatic?

OK, here's a quiz for you to find out the extent of your BSB craze. :) Obviously, you're somewhat of a fan since you're even here.

1) You're standing in line for BSB concert tickets and you end up with seats in the nosebleed section. You...
a) shrug and be grateful that you at least GOT tickets.
b) pout, complain, and just generally be in a stormy mood because you deserve be close enough to grab one of the guys off the stage.
c) find that girl that was in the front of the line, take her out with your trusty purse in the parking lot, snatch her row A tickets, then run like hell.

2) You're eating lunch with you bud, and all of a sudden she starts dising your Boys!! You...
a) quickly change the subject.
b) ask her politely to refrain from mocking the BSB in your presence.
c) give her a facial...with your pistachio pudding.

3) The Backstreet Boys decide to visit your local mall. After fighting your way to the front of the crowd, Nick steps down from the stage and (GASP!!) holds your hand while he's singing!! You...
a) think about how cool this moment is.
b) faint.
c) grab him and continue to drag him with you until you are eventually pepper sprayed by security.

4) Oh mah gosh!!! You're baby brother scratches your new Millenium CD!!! You...
a) tell your mother to buy you a new one.
b) feed him nothing but strained asparagus and turnips when you have to babysit.
c) throw his favorite plush Barney in the fireplace while he's watching. When your parents ask why, tell them you were teaching him about Joan of Arc.

5) OK, you only have $35.42 left of your paycheck. You pass by a Sam Goody and all Backstreet merchandise is on sale!!! But, a field trip is coming up, and you want to have as much spending money as possible. You stop at the BSB sale and spend...
a) Nothing. The field trip is soon...
b) $17.71. This way, you can get a couple of stylin posters and save some money.
c) $35.42

6) Yeah! You're driving down the road while surfin' through the radio stations trying to find something good to listen to. You find a station that's playing I Want It That Way, but the song is already halfway over. You...
a) listen to the rest of it.
b) listen and sing to the rest of it.
c) change the station. Hey! since you didn't hear it from the beginning, it must be a bad omen!

7) Mattel decides to create BSB dolls(how cute!!!) You...
a) Buy your favorite boy.
b) Buy all of the boys with costume changes.
c) Buy all of the boys, all costume changes, and a mini stage with mini equipment in order to put on your own private concert. Heck, those leftover 4th of July fireworks could be used as pyrotechnics.....

8) You have all of the BSB albums and singles. You keep them...
a) somewhere in the jungle of your room.
b) with your other CDs.
c) in a special, hallowed area, always upright so that the guys don't get headaches.

9) How many BSB posters, pictures, and articles do you have?
a) less than 20
b) 20-50
c) so many that you can't possibly see or remember the original colour of your bedroom.

10) You go to see a Backstreet concert since you scored those prized front row seats. You throw onto the stage...
a) nothing.
b) a rose to your fave guy with your name on the tag.
c) five teddybears, each one with a letter that includes your name, email address, and a picture of you.

Mostly A's: You enjoy Backstreet music etc. about as much as you like everything else. They are definitely not the center of your universe.
Mostly B's: You're a loyal fan, but you know how to keep your behavior in check. For example, you probably wouldn't move to Orlando just to be near them or attempt to track down all their friends and relatives to try to get close to them.
Mostly C's: WHOA!! You're totally into the guys!!! In other words, a FANATIC!!! In fact, you probably have a poster of the group or you fave boy on the ceiling! This way, they're the last thing you see at night and the first thing you see when you get up. Hmm...that gives me an idea.....

BaCk HoMe