Subject: Dudley Deeds Date: Sat, 29 Jul 2000 03:14:17 -0400 From: To:,,,,,,,,,,,, To Dudley Forum: Attached is an update of the Dudley Deeds. I've added more information to the overview so that we can match puchase and sale and also see associated people. I'm interested in the connection with Harris and Davis. They seem to show up often and as I mentioned before, there are also transactions between Davis and Harris and the Siamese twins. I've also put them in chonological order. Nancy --------------------------------------------------------------------- Name: D.doc D.doc Type: Microsoft Word Document (application/msword) Encoding: base64 Dudley Deeds --- Surry Co. NC. Grantor Grantee Date Acre Price Location Neighbor/WitnessInstrumBk Pge State Dudley, 11/3/1784400 50 sh / 100 Tarraratt Grant C 158 Charles acres State Dudley, 8/9/1787 100 50 sh. / 100 acres So.side Grant F 39 of No.103A Charles Yadkin Riv State Dudley, 5/18/1789100 10 pound / 100 acres No.Fork Grant E 17 of Charles Bull Run State Dudley, 1/29/1791100 30 sh. / 100 acre Grant H 223 No.1956 Charles Dudley, Garrett,5/14/1795100 100 pound So.side Wit: ? Deed F 190 Chas Blunt of Yadkin Riv Wit: ? Wit: Wm. Thornton, Wit: ? Garret State Dudley, 1799 38.3 50 sh / 100 acres Rocky Thomas Hill, Grant K 460 Creek Chalres ? Carroll, Leonard Davis, Thomas Davis Dudley, Davis, 8/7/1805 138.3 Rocky Wit: T.A. Ward Deed N 277 Thomas Creek Charles Wit: John A. Grigg Copeland, Dudley, 1/13/1806250 $250. Little Michael RunnoldsDeed L 28 Beaver Isaac Charles Creek Wolf? Wit: Edward Smith Wit: William Holifield Smith, Dudley, 1/8/1809 Deed N 142 David Charles McKinney Dudley, 8/3/1813 50 $4.50 So. Side David Smith, Deed O 237 of Jesse Robert Charles Dudley, Ararat river Benjamin Harris Wit: John Reese, Wit: Elijah Harris Dudley, Reese, 8/3/1813 50 $63.50 So. Side David Smith, Deed P 263 of Robert John Charles Dudley, Ararat river Benjamin Harris Wit: Jesse McKinney, Wit: Eijah Harris Gillespie, Dudley, 11/4/1815100 $400. So.Fork John Creed, Grant T 34 of Elizah Robert Thomas Davis, Rocky Crk. John Davis Wit: Dennis Laffoon, Wit: Alexander Gilaspy Dunnagen, Dudley, 1827 Deed U 113 Tyre Robert Dudley, Lyon, Deed T 99 Ransom Stephen Lyon, Dudley, 1827 Deed T 225 William William Deed: Jesse McKinney to Robert Dudley Surry Co. NC Book O Page 237 Indenture made this third day of August one thousand eight hundred and thirteen between Jesse McKinney and the County of Surry and State of N. Carolina of the one part and Robert Dudley of the County and State aforesaid of the other part. Witness that the said Jesse McKinney for and in consideration of the sum of four Dollars and fifty cents in hand paid by the said Dudley the receipt whereof the said Jesse McKinney doth hearby acknowledge, hath given granted bought and under and by this process will give grant bargain and sell to him the said Robert Dudley his heirs and assigns forever one ___ ____ a parcel of land containing fifty acres be the same more or less lying and being in the County and State aforesaid on the South Side of the Ararat River Beginning at a white oak and runs west twenty chains to a --- oak and thence South fiftenn Chains to a Spanish Oak the West to a ________ line between Daniel Smith and Charles Dudley thence with said line to an apple tree thence to a white oak thence to the line between said Daniel Smith and Benjamin Harris thence to the said Ararat River thence down said river to the first station. To have and to hold the aforesaid granted land and ___ with the appurtenance to the said Robert Dudley his heirs and assigns forever and the said Jesse McKinney with warrant and ___ the granted lands and premises from him, his heirs and assigns forever but no further. In witness whereof the said Jesse McKinney hath set his hand and affixed his seal in presence of Elijah Harris John Reese (or Reins) Surry County February term 1819 the examiner __ Deed was duly sworn in open court ___ oath of John Reese(Reins) and ____ to by Teal J. Williams Note: _______ is used when I could not read the word. Deed: To Robert Dudley from Elijah Gilaspy Surry Co. NC Book T Page 34 Know you men by those presents that I Elijah Gilaspy as Surry County and State of North Carolina am held and firmly bound Unto Robert Dudley of the County and State aforesaid in the Sum of Four hundred dollars whch payment Shall Will or truly be Maid by the said Gilaspy or his hers or Executors or Administrators Unto the said Robert Dudley or his heirs or Administrators Given under my hand and seal this fourth day of August 1815 Elijah Gilaspy (seal) Test Demis Laffoon Alexander Gilaspy The condition of the above obligation is such that if said Gilaspy shall make said Dudley a good and lawful title to a Certain Tract of land lying and being in the County of Surry and State of North Carolina on the south fork of Rocky Creek adjoining of John Creeds line and Joseph Burches lines and Thos Davis and John Davis lines containing one hundred acres of land that was surveyed by Thomas Logan if said Gilaspy shall make the title to the said land to said Dudley When the Payment is made for the land then the above obligation shall come void and if no affect otherwise to remain in full force by virtue given under by hand and seal this Fourth Day of August 1815 Test Demis Laffoon Elijah Gilaspy (seal) Alexander Galaspy Surry Co. Feby term 1827 the Execution of the within bond was duly proven in open court by the oath of Demis Laffoon and ordered to be registered Test Ja Williams C.C. Note: Underlined words mean I has difficulty reading the word Note: I’m not sure of the meaning of this document. Confusion because it says that 400 dollars is to be paid by Gilaspy to Robert Dudley. However it is clearly marked as a deed transfer from Gilaspy to Dudley. My interpretation is this – Gilaspy owes Robert Dudley $400. Dudley agrees to take the land as payment. So the first part documents Gilaspy’s debt. The second part says that Dudley will void the obligation mentioned in the first part if he gets a “good and lawful” title to the land. (but them why does it say “when payment is made for the land”) Deed: To Charles Dudley from State of N.C. Surry Co. NC Book E Page 17 Charles Dudley 100 Acres To all to whom these presents shall come. Greeting. Know ye that we for and in consideration of the sum of ten pounds for every hundred acres hereby granted paid into our treasury by Charles Dudley have given and granted and by these presents so give and grant unto the said Charles Dudley a tract of land containing one hundred acres lying and being in our county of Surry on the North fork of Bull run, beginning at a Pine, runs east crossing the said run, twenty two chains to a post oak, thence north forty five chains to a post oak, thence West crossing S run twenty two chains to a stake thence South to the Beginning as by the place here unto annexed doth appear, together with all wood, waters, mines, minerals, hereditaments and appurtances to the said Charles Dudley his heirs, and assigns forever, yielding and paying to us such sums of money yearly or otherwise as our General Assembly from time to time my direct provided always that the said Charles Dudley shall cause the Grant to be registered in the Registrar’s office of the said county of Surry within twelve months from the date hereof, otherwise the same shall be void and of no affect. In testimony whereof we have caused these our letters to me made patent and our Great seal to be hereunto affixed. Witness Samuel Johnston Esquire our Govenor Captain General and Commander-in-chief at Ointon. The 18th day of May in the XIV of our independence + in the year of our lord one thousand seven hundred and eighty-five. Recorded by the secretary’s office P. Collier P. Sec . Deed: To Charles Dudley from State of N.C. Surry Co. NC Book C Page 158 Charles Dudley 400 Acres State of North Carolina. To all to whom these presents shall come. Greeting. Know ye that we for and in consideration of the sum of fifty shillings for every handred acres hereby granted paid into our treasury by Charles Dudley have given and granted and by these presents so give and grant unto the said Charles Dudley a Tract of Land containing four hundred acres lying and being in our County of Surry on the Tarraratt, beginning at a black oak on the East side of said river and runs South forty-five degrees east seven chains to a chestnut then East five chains to a black oak then North seventy five chains to a post oak then West fifty four chains to a black oak then South Seventy chains to a pine thence to the beginning as by the Platt herewith named doth appear together with all wood water Mines Minerals hereditaments and appurtances to the said land belonging or appurtaining To hold to the said Charles Dudley his heirs and assigns forever yielding and paying to us such sums of money yearly or otherwise as our general assembly from time to time may direct Provided always that the said Charles Dudley shall cause the Grant to be regis tered in the Registrar’s office of the said county of Surry within twelve months from the date hereof, otherwise the same shall be void and of no affect. In testimony whereof we have caused these our letters to be made patent and our great Seal to be hereunto affixed. Witness Alexander Martin Esquire our Govenor Captain General and Commander-in-chief at Newburn. The third day of November in the ninth year of our Independence and in the year of our Lord one thousand seven hundred and eighty-four. Recorded by the secretary’s A. Pearce, P. Sec . Deed: To Charles Dudley from State of N.C. Surry Co. NC Book K Page 460 Charles Dudley 100 Acres To all to whom these presents shall come. Greeting. Know ye that we for and in consideration of the sum of fifty shillings for every hundred acres hereby granted paid into our treasury by Charles Dudley have given and granted and by these presents so give and grant unto the said Charles Dudley a tract of land containing thirty eight acres and three tenths lying and being in our county of Surry Beginning at a pine Thomas Hills continues old line and runs west on said line twelve chains and fifty links to a pine Hills Courses North on Mast int Carrol’s line sixteen chains to a seuully post Oak Leonard Davis Courses East on said line thirty one chains and sixty three links to a White Oak Davis’s courses North on said eight chains and eighty one links to a Black Oak on Davis’s line East on said line Eleven chains to a Black Oak on the Bank of Rocky Creek Davis’s courses Sou west on the Dudley’s line crossing the creek thirty chains and fifty links to a stake was his Old courses south on said line to the beginning Entered the 13th of January 1802 as by the plat here unto annexed doth appear, together with all wood, waters, mines, minerals, hereditaments and appurtances to the said Charles Dudley his heirs, and assigns forever, yielding and paying to us such sums of money yearly or otherwise as our General Assembly from time to time my direct provided always that the said Charles Dudley shall cause the Grant to be registered in the Registrar’s office of the said county of Surry within twelve months from the date hereof, otherwise the same shall be void and of no affect. In testimony whereof we have caused these our letters to me made patent and our Great seal to be hereunto affixed. Recorded 2th day of August 1803 J. Turner. Deed: To Charles Dudley from State of N.C. Surry Co. NC Book F Page 39 Charles Dudley 100 Acres No. 103A To all to whom these presents shall come. Greeting. Know ye that we for and in consideration of the sum of fifty shillings for every hundred acres hereby granted paid into our treasury by Charles Dudley have given and granted and by these presents so give and grant unto the said Charles Dudley a tract of land containing one hundred acres lying and being in our county of Surry on the South side of the Yadkin river beginning at a black oak on said river bank runs west thirty five chains to a pine thence not\rth thirty chains to a pine thence East thirty two chains to a hickory on the bank of said river thence down the sam as it meanders to the Beginning as by the place here unto annexed doth appear, together with all wood, waters, mines, minerals, hereditaments and appurtances to the said Charles Dudley his heirs, and assigns forever, yielding and paying to us such sums of money yearly or otherwise as our General Assembly from time to time my direct provided always that the said Charles Dudley shall cause the Grant to be registered in the Registrar’s office of the said county of Surry within twelve months from the date hereof, otherwise the same shall be void and of no affect. In testimony whereof we have caused these our letters to me made patent and our Great seal to be hereunto affixed. Witness Richard Caswell Esquire our Govenor Captain General and Commander-in-chief at Kingston. The ninth day of August in the XII year of our independence AD 1787.. Recorded by the secretary’s office J. Martin D. Sec .
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