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                 Re: Kents
                 Tue, 26 Dec 2000 16:46:34 -0500
                 "CJWalker" <>
                 "Fred McCaleb" <>

Hello Fred,

Thanks for responding.  I am back from vacation

I have been trying to substantiate info that have accumulated on the
ancestors of my Robert Kent who married Ann Tate for the past two years.  I
am sending you what I have in an attachment, with notations added in red to
help you sort through the stuff.  There is over 100 pages, but I am only
sending you the first four generations.   If you want all of it, please let
me know and I will be happy to email it to you.

I recently saw this website:
where Robert Kent is listed as a child of Robert Kent and Mary Easly and in
this file, Robert's wife was Ann Tate, which clearly is inconsistent with
your data and several others I have found for Robert Kent and Mary Easly's
see, also:

I have not had a chance to email Hollie Taylor to see where she got her
information, but I am planning to do so today.

Please feel free to compare notes and give me your opinion of this.

Best Regards,

Catherine Kent Walker
Kenneth, Generations 1,2 and 3 have not been substantiated to my
satisfaction that they are the ancestors of my Robert Kent who m. Ann Tate.
However, sources from Bev Sadler ("The Sadler Family" book) and Cathy Akers
family papers (Ruth Snead papers), and another family paper by Andrew Kent
(from Fran Wydner), seem to think these first three generations are
ancestors of my Robert Kent m. Ann Tate.

However, info from Mildred Kent Smith indicates that these first three
generations were not ancestors of my Robert Kent m. Ann Tate.

Descendants of Robert Kent

Generation No. 1

1. Robert1 Kent was born Unknown in Kent County, England, and died in Isle
of Wight Co VA.

Notes for Robert Kent:


Robert Kent was born between 1620-1630 in Kent County, England (Source:
Vergilia Pendleton Sadler, book, "The Sadler Family", Pella Chronicle,
Pella, IA 1959, p. 142, and died on Isle of Wight Co, VA

Notes from above book:

"The Kents of Virginia are descended from the celebrated family of Kent
County, England. The first of this family of whom we have any record is Adam
de Kent, who lived from 1235 to 1316.

Among Virginia Kents there is a tradition, as Andrew Kent says, that three
Kent brothers came to America in early Colonial days, one brother settling
in New York, one in Maryland, and the other in Isle of Wight Co., VA

Father used to love to tell of a conversation which took place between his
grandfather Robert Kent and "Uncle Jack Sadler", father's great'uncle on the
Sadler side. Grandfather Kent was at Palmyra on "Court day" and was taking
advantage of the opportunity to interest people in the idea of building a
Baptist church up in his part of the county. He approached Uncle Jack, who
was sitting whittling. "Brother Jack", said he, if we Baptists don't build a
church in those woods, the devil will get everybody from Cunningham to
Scottsville." Uncle Jack just kept on whittling. But Grandfather continued,
"I tell you, Jack, if we don't build a Baptist church in that section, the
Methodists will get everybody from Cunningham to Scottsville." This brought
results. Uncle Jack pulled his wallet out of his pocket, extracted from it a
dollar, and contributed to the building fund." {Correction made by Ed Kent - For the record, in the 1600's, the currency that was traded
in the Colonies was Brittish LB/s, not dollars.]

(From Ruth Alfreda Blair Snead papers from Cathy Akers,

Mrs. Clarence Hammond Kent nee Rachel Fitch of New York City data on the
Kent Family records--- (Ruth Snead states that Mr. Andrew Kent says it may
be inaccurate)

ROBERT KENT in 1636 came to Virginia as headright of Justinian Cooper, and
settled in Isle of Wight County, VA. (Justinian Cooper was granted 1,050
acres---- 50 acres for his personal adventure and 1000 acres for
transporting 20 persons. Sept. 13, 1636. These headright's after a certain
time (they had to work to repay their transportation) were given 50 acres of
land with livestock and provisions to get them started on their own. This
probably the second grant of Justinian Cooper, as the records of 1619
mention him. One record says Robert Kent came in 1630.

Robert Kent came to VA. 1630 or 1636 married __________, died________

Children were:

Luke Kent married Hannah _______________, This couple were living in

Isle of Wight County in 1692-1693. Then

sold their land and moved elsewhere. Their children

may have been

Their Children,

1-Thomas Kent

2-James Kent

Child of Robert Kent is:

+ 2 i. Luke2 Kent, born 1650 in Isle of Wight Co VA; died 1725.

Generation No. 2

2. Luke2 Kent (Robert1) was born 1650 in Isle of Wight Co VA, and died 1725.
He married Hannah.

Kenneth, I have not been able to substantiate this relation regarding Thomas
m. Elizabeth Carter.

Notes for Luke Kent:

It has not been substantiated that Luke Kent is the father of James Kent and
Thomas Kent.

There is also possibly another son named Abraham Kent, although not

Mrs. Rachel Fitch in her sketch which was in the possession of Cathy Akers,
neice to Ruth Snead,

states that Luke Kent had two sons, Thomas (birth unknown) and James (she
states ca 1700-1759)

She states Thomas's will was proven in Fluvanna Co in 1788 and James' will
was dated 1759 in Hanover Co (I have no other evidence to substantiate this)
Mildred Kent has Thomas Kent's copied Thomas Kent's will proven in 1788, and
she says it states his wife's name was Mary. Mrs. Fitch states Thomas's wife
was Elizabeth Carter, D/O Daniel Carter and ELizabeth of Hanover Co. Mrs.
Fitch;s sketch and Mildred Kent's copy of the will list the identical
children. Perhaps Thomas was married twice, and Mary was his second wife.
Mildred Kent places Thomas' birth at around 1730. Mrs. Fitch placed James'
birth around 1700. To me, it is doubtful they were 30 years apart in age.
Other than Mrs. Fitch and Andrew M. Kent's sketches, there is no other
substantial proof that Thomas and James were brothers, but could they have
been half-brothers, justifying such a gap in age?

Mrs. Rachel Fitch in her sketch which was in the possession of Cathy Akers,
neice to Ruth Snead,

states that Luke Kent had two sons, Thomas (birth unknown) and James (she
states ca 1700-1759)

She states Thomas's will was proven in Fluvanna Co in 1788 and James' will
was dated 1759 in Hanover Co (I have no other evidence to substantiate this)
Mildred Kent has Thomas Kent's copied Thomas Kent's will proven in 1788, and
she says it states his wife's name was Mary. Mrs. Fitch states Thomas's wife
was Elizabeth Carter, D/O Daniel Carter and ELizabeth of Hanover Co. Mrs.
Fitch;s sketch and Mildred Kent's copy of the will list the identical
children. Perhaps Thomas was married twice, and Mary was his second wife.
Mildred Kent places Thomas' birth at around 1730. Mrs. Fitch placed James'
birth around 1700. To me, it is doubtful they were 30 years apart in age.
Other than Mrs. Fitch and Andrew M. Kent's sketches, there is no other
substantial proof that Thomas and James were brothers, but could they have
been half-brothers, justifying such a gap in age?

This is the first installment of names from "Historic Isle of Wight" by
Helen Haverty King. Names are from post Rev. War up to 1980's owners of
homes. If you find the name of your line on this list, I will tell you the
first names that are listed in the book and/or what is written about them if
you request it. Ria

Robert Johnson, planter of Lower Parish bequeaths to dau. Mary Johnson, land
4Aug 1692. Anne Bread? sells cows to Roger Rawlins, 13Apr. 1692. John
Thornhill, Edward Mathews. John Johnson receives grant of 250 acres between
James Bryan and Bridgeman Joyner's. 29 Apr 1692. John Johnson and Mary his
wife of Lower Parish assign to LUKE KENT their right in above grant. 20 Oct
1692. Wm. Kerle, Henry West.

LUKE KENT of Lower Parish sells to James Tullaugh 250 acres July 8, 1693.
Thos. Taberer, Arthur Smith.

Francis Nicholson grants to John Johnson 250 acres between James Bryan and
Bridgeman Joyner. 29 Apr 1693. John Johnson and Mary his wife assign this to
LUKE KENT 20 Oct 1692. Wm. Kerle, Henry West. LUKE KENT assign his interest
to Mr. James Tullaugh. HANNAH KENT, Thomas Hill, Michael Wharton.

William Boddie married three times. Third wife was Mary Griffin, widow of
Owen Griffin and daughter of William Hunt, by whom he had no children. Her
first husband was ROBERT EDWARDS.

ROBERT EDWARDS made a deed of release from himself to Wm. Parker, of IOW,
and signed this as Administrator of the Estate of his father-in-law William
Hunt. John Hardy and Wm. Palmer were witnesses to this deed. William Boddie
became a Quaker about 1672. Mary Hunt Edwards Griffin Boddie died in 1732.
Her will dated 17 Jan 1727 probated 24 Apr. 1732. Among her other children
she mentions a daughter, Mary Bragg (Mrs. James) dau of Robert Edwards dec.
In Deed book 2, page 217, is a record of the appraisement of the Estate of
Robert Edwards by Mary Edwards, widow, 2 May 1681. Wm. Boddie married Mrs.
Griffin about 1700. Robert Edwards' land joined that of Wm. Boddie, for in a
grant of land to Henry Applewhaite, 21 Sept 1664, it is stated that his land
adjoins that of Edmund Palmer, Robert Edwards and Wm. Boddie. Another
neighbor was Anthony Matthews, on the west side of Edmund Palmer.

Edmund Palmer sells to Robert Edwards 100 acres part of a pat. to Palmer 21
June 1664. 1 Sept 1666. Anthony Mathews, John Williams.

Margaret Edwards, she being a dau. and coheir of Robert Edwards, dec., sells
James Bragg of same county, planter, for 1000 lbs. tbco. her third of three
equal parts of 100 acres purchased of Edmond Palmer by Robert Edwards. 6 Apr
1699. John Jones, Wm. West.

Wm. Boddie acknowledges he has given to Wm. Rollston's youngest dau. Anne
Rollston one cow etc. 1st of 4th month 1677. Thos. Gaudy, Eliz. Roberts.

Wm. Boddie acknowledges that he has given to Anne Rolloston's eldest son,
Robert Edwards, a cow etc. 1st of 4th month 1677. Thos. Gany, Eliz Roberts.

Hope you can use some clues in here to good use.

I sent everything since there was so little. Elaine

(Elaine Young

Blanche Chapman's Isle of Wight Wills & Admins

(Insert by Forest King) Luke Kent is son-in-law of Robert Edwards, gives a

cow to James Tullaugh 27 Oct 1682. Signed Luke Kent and John Cohan. [2:233]

Lewis, Richard - of lower parish. Will dated 13 Dec 1691 recorded 26 Mar

1692. Legatee wife Sarah; son Richard plantation on which William Duck

lives, said Duck to take in tuition my son Richard; son Thomas land rented

to James Cullie, Thomas Giles to take this son, if Mr Giles die then he may

be free; daughter Ann placed in care of Mr Bressie; daughter Elizabeth in

care of Richard Reynolds and wife Elizabeth; unborn child. Overseers Thomas

Joyner Jr and Richard Reynolds Jr. Witness Joshua Turner, Alexander

Mathews, Hugh Bressie and Luke Kent. [2:314]

Children of Luke Kent and Hannah are:

+ 3 i. James3 Kent, born 1700; died 1780 in Hanover Co, VA.

+ 4 ii. Thomas W. Kent, born 1730; died 1786 in Fluvanna Co, VA.

Generation No. 3

3. James3 Kent (Luke2, Robert1) was born 1700, and died 1780 in Hanover Co,
VA. He married Lucy in Hanover Co, VA.

Notes for James Kent:

Kent Family of Virginia(Taken from a compilation by Andrew M. Kent,
Riverside, CA, 1940,

obtained from Fran Wydner (

The Kent Familiy descended from the celebrated Kent family of Kent County,
England. The first that we have record of is Adem De Kent, born 1235, died

There is a tradition in the Virginia Kent family, that three brothers came
to America at an early date. One settled in New York and left a large line
of descendants. The second one settled in Maryland. The third brother
settled in Virginia and was the grandfather of the father of James Kent of
Hanover County, VA - our direct ancestor.

There is a tradition in one branch of the family that James Kent, our
ancestor came direct to Virginia from England, however, actual proof is

[John Levi Kent ( gathered the following information:

Luke Kent (ca. 1650-1725), married Hannah, son of first Robert - Fluvanna Co
Kents (seem to be same branchsince Fluvanna was taken from Albemarle from
Goochland) claim descent from this line. They claim that Luke Kent had a
son, James Kent (ca 1700-1780) called "Little Jimmie" who lived in Hanover
Co, VA. It is claimed that James "Little Jimmie" Kent had brothres, Thomas
and Abraham, and perhaps others. He states on email,, "It is in data that I
have had in my files for more than 20 years. The lady that compiled the data
compiled in in the 1950s. I did not think it related to me for many years.
But I feel it might now. I do not know where she got the info.

Mildred Kent, from Melbourne Beach, FL and Sarah Kent Smith, from Palm Bay
FL ( and are
descendants of Thomas Kent, brother to James. Mildred states in email, "We
have been looking at the informatin on Luke Kent. It does not seem to work.
Thomas Kent and James Kent should have birth dates that are around 1740. I
have the birth date of Robert Kent (S/O Thomas Kent), brother of John Kent
as being 07-20-1762. This information came from his Revolutional War Pension
papers. His father should have been at least 20 years old when he was born
and John is the older brother. i.e, Thomas Kent has to have been born around
1740. We know that Archelaus Kent son of John and Sarah Kent was born 1778.
If John was at least 20 years old an dhis father was at leas 20 years old
when he was born, then Thomas Kent had to be born around 1738. Either way
Luke did not have a son named thomas. Robert Kent father of Luke Kent did
nothave a son named thomas. Robert's children's birth datse are closer to
the dates we are looking for, but he does not have a son named Thomas.

Ed Kent ( is a descendant of Luke Kent b. 1740's d. 1782. His
father was Robert Kent, b. 1712, d. 1782, from Halivax VA area. One source
places Robert's father as William Kent, b. 1684 Henrico Co, VA d. 1740,
Halifax Co, VA This is factual and Ed had only found one source stating
this. His Robert keeps getting linked to Henry Kent b. 1626 Henrico Co, VA.
Timewise, he places Henry Kent about 3-4 generations above William, about
4-5 generations above his known Robert. He thinks my Kents are somewhere
between Henry and His Robert.

(Ruth Snead papers from Cathy Akers

Hanover County 1780 census shows a Lucy Kent that could have been James'
widow (mentioned in Andrew M. Kent sketch and Mrs.Rachel Fitch's sketch)
Snead papers also state that James Kent diedi n 1759 instead of 1780, which
is what all other references say. She states that each of his son's named
their sons Robert, probably after their grandfather, the first Robert Kent.

She states that there was an Abram Kent living in Hanover Co. in 1810, which
may have been a son of James Kent.

Children of James Kent and Lucy are:

+ 5 i. Sarah4 Kent.

+ 6 ii. Robert Kent, born 1748 in Hanover Co, VA; died September 28, 1840 in
Fluvanna Co, VA.

4. Thomas W.3 Kent (Luke2, Robert1) was born 1730, and died 1786 in Fluvanna
Co, VA. He married Mary Unknown.

Notes for Thomas W. Kent:

>From Mildred Kent

Thomas Kent's will dated 09-03-1785, is on file at Fluvanna Co. CH, Palymra
VA It is entirely possible that he settled here before Albemarle Co was
formed from Hanover Co and Henrico co. His land was to be divided equally
between his wife, Mary, his daughter, Margaret, and his sons, John and

>From Andrew M. Kent

Thomas Kent's will was proven 1788. His sons and daughter is mentioned in
the will. This Thomas without a doubt came from Hanover and was the brother
of James, our ancestor. The John Kent, who married his first cousin, Sarah,
daughter of James Kent, was without a doubt the son of Thomas Kent who died
in 1788.

(Ruth Snead Papers from Cathy Akers

Will of Thomas W. Kent

In the name of God. Amen.

I, Thomas W. Kent of Fluvanna Co, VA being sick and weak in body but sound
in mind and memory, and knowing it is appointed for all men once to die - I
make and ordain this my last will and Testament, and first, I desire to
commit my Soul to God that gave it and my body to be buried in a Christian
like descent manner, and as touching my worldly goods wherewith it has
pleased God to help me with, I give, devise and dispose in the manner and
form as follows, and first, I desire my just debts to be paid.

Item - My will and desire is that all my movable estate and plantation
whereon I now live, to be left to my beloved wife, Mary Kent, during her
life or widowhood, without being interrupted, except, one Feather Bed, which
I give to my daughter, Margit Kent.

Item - I give to my sons, John and Robert Kent, my land whereon I now live,
to be equally divided according to the judgment of William Baskett and
Robert Kent, to be divided by them after my wife's decease and all the rest
of my estate after my wife's decease, to be sold and equally divided among
all my children.

I constitute and appoint John Kent and Robert Kent, Executors.

Signed twenty-third day of September 1785.

The Inventory and Appraisment of the Estate of Thomas Kent.

To Negro Lazrus L 50-0-0

To Negro Stephen L 68-0-0

To a parcel of plantation tools 2-0-0

To five head of cattle 11-0-0

To gun 0-7-6

To knives and forks 0-3-0

To seven plates 0-8-0

To three basins 0-10-0

To three dishes 0-12-0

To sundry things 0-5-0

To two jugs 0-3-0

To one pitcher 0-4-0

To one chamber pot 0-1-0

To eleven books 0-4-0

To one foot wheel 0-6-0

To one pot and bottle 0-6-0

To two wheat sieves

To one bed and furniture and stead 7-0-0

To one bed and furniture and stead 7-0-0

To one bed quilt and counterpane 0-15-0

To seven head of hogs 3-0-0

To one pewter pot 0-2-6

To two sheep 0-13-0

Seventh day of June 1787.

The above mentioned Margit Kent (Peggy) marriage Bond on page 51 says she
married William Fones (Jones) Oct 22, 1792.

The above mentioned Robert Kent married Sarah Cocke Sept 19, 1782

John Kent married his first cousin, Sarah Kent, daughter of James Kent.
These are the ones who lived in the Kent Ancestral Home.


Children of Thomas Kent and Mary Unknown are:

+ 7 i. John4 Kent, born 1754 in Alblemarle Co, VA; died December 19, 1822 in
Fluvanna Co, VA.

+ 8 ii. Robert Kent, born July 20, 1762; died May 09, 1845.

9 iii. Margaret Kent. She married William Jones; died in Fluvanna Co, VA.

Notes for William Jones:

>From Mildred Kent

William Jones' will is recorded in Fuvanna Co, VA, mentions no children.

Generation No. 4

5. Sarah4 Kent (James3, Luke2, Robert1) She married John Kent, son of Thomas
Kent and Mary Unknown. He was born 1754 in Alblemarle Co, VA, and died
December 19, 1822 in Fluvanna Co, VA.

Notes for John Kent:

>From Mildred Kent

John Kent, son of Thomas Kent and his wife, Mary, was born in Albemarle (now
Fluvanna Co), VA, or perhaps in Hanover Co, VA before Albemarle Co was
formed from Hanover and Henrico Counties. The place and date of the marriage
of John Kent and Sarah Kent, sister of Robert Kent and his first cousin, is
unknown. This marriage occurred prior to or in 1777 as fheir first child,
Archelaus Kent was born 03-12-1778. This would make John Kent older than his
brother Robert Kent, who was born 07-20-1762. In 1891, Dr. A.A. Kent, Sr was
told that John Kent and his wife, Sarah Kent and Robert Kent and his wife,
Ann Tate Kent, came to Fluvanna Co, VA from Hanover Co, VA. In a deed to
John Kent, dated 1782, recorded in Fluvanna Co CH, John Strange describes
the land as a track of land that John Kent had been living on. John Kent
settled on the east side of Byrd Creek and Robert Kent on the west side of
Byrd Creek near Kent Store. Sarah Kent and Robert Kent were the children of
James Kent (Little Jimmie) Kent and first cousins of John Kent. John Kent
was a prosperous planter with slaves.

John Kent's death occurred in Fluvanna Co VA 12-19-1822 from the recording
in Archelaus Kent's Bible. his will dated 09-05-1821 is recorded at Fluvanna
Co CH, Palmyra VA. All of his property, slaves, stock and household
furniture was left to his sons, Archelaus and Thomas Kent. His daughter,
Lucy Kent Davis, ws left one hundred dollars to be paid by the two sons,
Archelaus and Thomas. A son, John Kent, was left for Archelaus and Thomas
Kent to take care of and use well. This son was properly a son by a slave as
he left nothing and did not contest the will.

Lucy Kent Davis contested the will with John Timberlake as lawyer and agent.
On 05-27-1823, an agreement was reached between Archelaus and thomas Kent
and John Timberlake by which one fourth of John Kent's slaves were to go to
Lucy Kent Davis and a fee of $250.00 was to be paid to John Timberlake from
John Kent's estate.

John White was administrator of John Kent's will. Appraisement of John
Kent's slaves last 19 with a value of $4725.00. Some of these marked with an
asterisk are probably the ones Lucy Kent Davis received under the agreement.

>From Andrew Kent

John, the son of Thomas Kent, settled in Fluvanna, on the East side of West
Byrd Creek, where David

Baker later resided, and across the creek from the land of his
brother-in-law, Robert Kent 1748-1842

who married Anne Tate. The creek as the boundary line between the two lands.

Children of Sarah Kent and John Kent are:

10 i. Thomas5 Kent.

11 ii. Lucy Kent. She married Benjamin Davis in Feb. 18, 1808.


6. Robert4 Kent (James3, Luke2, Robert1) was born 1748 in Hanover Co, VA,
and died September 28, 1840 in Fluvanna Co, VA. He married Ann Tate,
daughter of John Tate and Sara. She was born 1753 in Hanover Co, VA.

Notes for Robert Kent:

(Andrew M. Kent Papers from Fran Wydner,

Robert and Anne settled on the west side of the west fork of Byrd Creek,
near the Venable Road Crossing, where their descendants continued to reside
nearly 150 years. Robert Kent, Jr, Junior to distinguish him from his cousin
Robert Kent, who married Sarah Cocke

Robert and Anne settled on the west side of west fork of byrd Creek, near
the Venable Road Crossing, where their descendants continued to reside
nearly 150 years.

(Alice Owens, researcher Fluvanna CO)

Will of Robert Kent of Fluvanana Co... son John Kent (a negro); son James T.
Kent (negro, 20 acres off my house tract; deceased son William Kent's
children; deceased son Abraham Kent's children; deceased daughter Sarah T.
Baskett's children; son Robert Kent to get all land north side Venable Rd..
six named children, household furnishings to be sold... Son RObert Kent Jr
executor, Signed 16 mAY 1832; Witnesses: Bartlett G Payne, GW Richardson,
Archelaus Kent, will proven 09-28-1840

(Ruth Alfreda Blair Snead papers from Cathy Akers,

Robert Kent and Anne Tate came to Fluvanna County from Hanover Co, VA before
the American Revolution.

Robert Kent was born in Hanover Co, Va 1748-49, died in Fluvanna Co, VA

in 1840 or 1842. Married Anne Tate of Hanover Co. They settled on the

west side of the west fork of Byrd Creek, near the Venables Road crossing,

where their descendants continued to reside nearly 150 years.

This old home still stands and is located at Kent's Store, Va. About

two miles past the store.

The old Robert Kent House is still in good shape and is owned by a man named
Ficklefust. Coming from Kent's Store to Wilmington 31/2 mi. to a crossroad,
past the second bridge, turn to the right go about a mile and you will see
on the right a small house, almost entirely covered with large boxwoods,
some distance over in the field. The house is as good as the day it was
build. The burying ground is a little to the left of the house among some
cedars, the stones still standing were:

Mary M. Kent Wm B. Kent Robert C. Kent - 75 yrs, 7 mo 18 dys

Wife of B. Sept 6, 1809 B. April 26, 1986

Wm. B. Kent D. Nov. 9, 1890 D. Dec. 13, 1861

B. Sept. 20, 1812

C. May 20, 1875 Joanna Kent Robert C. Kent

D. Married Jan. 16, 1841 B. Jan 3, 1796 B. Aug. 19, 1827

E. Sept. 3, 1875 D. Mar 31, 1900

79 yrs, 8 mo, 12 dys

There were many others, but sheep in the yard had knocked the stones down
and broken many of them. There is a law that you cannot destroy a family
burying ground, but people who own the land now allow their livestock the
run of the land and since they are usually surrounded with shrubs and trees,
make a cool resting place for the cattle. Only the later graves have stones,
all of the early ones were marked with plain field ____(word cut off).

Andrew Kent "I visited the Old Robert Kent Cemetery in 1924. If I remember

the only tombstones standing containing inscription were those of

William Baskett Kent and his Uncle Robert Chiswell Kent. Wm. Baskett

Kent, in his younger days lived with his Uncle Robert Kent. He and his

wife were parents of several children, who died in infancy and are

buried in this cemetery. His wife, Mary Kent is also buried there."

Will of Robert Kent SR

In the name of God, Amen.

I, Robert Kent SR, of the County of Fluvanna, Being of sound mind and
memory, do make and ordain this my last will and Testament in manner and
form following: I desire that all my just debts be paid.

First: John Kent one Negro man, named Turner, to him and his heirs forever.

Second: James T. Kent one Negro boy named Sam at valuation to him and his
heirs forever, also 20 acres of land adjoining the land he lives on off my
home tract and also my son Robert Kent Jr., is to pay him for 5 acres more
at the rate of $5.00 (?) an acre.

Third: I give to my deceased son William's (our ancestor) children, one
Negro woman named Rachel to equally divide between them at valuation, to
them and their heirs forever.

Fourth: I give to my deceased son Abraham Kent's children, to be equally
divided among one Negro man named Holman, to them and their heirs forever.

Fifth: I give to my deceased daughter's children, Sarah Kent Baskett's
children, one Negro boy named Henderson, the said boy to be hired out until
the youngest child becomes of age, and then to be sold and the amount of
sale to be equally divided among all of the said children. I also give to
the said children, one Negro girl named Jane, to them and their heirs

Sixth: I give to my son Robert Kent Jr. All my land lying on the north side
of Venable Road, it being the tract of land I now reside, except 20 acres
adjoining the land of my son, James, also one Negro Boy named Miles, at
valuation in the same manner, as other Negroes heretofore given, my other
children, if any difference should be in their valuation by three
disinterested persons, chosen by Executor, such as are valued highest is to
make up the difference to those who are valued for less, according to an
average rate of the whole. I also give to my son Robert, one Negro Boy,
named Harry, which is to be received and considered as full compensation for
my son Robert's services as my Executor, to him and to his heirs forever.

The tract of land I purchased from Horatio wills, and all my lands lying on
the south side of Venable Road, I desire should be sold provided my son
Robert will not give $500.00 for the same, if he should agree to take it at
that price, I then desire that he pay, to my sons, John and James T. Kent
$100.00 each, and the balance to be paid, one hundred dollars to the
legatees of William Kent, Abraham Kent and Sarah T. Kent Baskett to be
equally divided among them. If Robert Kent should not choose to take this
land, then the Executors shall sell it, and divide the proceeds among all my
children, or if deceased, their heirs.

My further will and desire is all of my Negroes not before mentioned, except
My Man Jack, may be equally divided among my six named children, John Kent,
James Kent, the children of William Kent, deceased, in their Father's right,
the children of Abraham Kent, deceased in their Father's right, the children
of Sarah Kent Baskett, deceased in her right as a Legatee and my son, Robert
Kent Jr.

It is my further will and desire that all my stock of horses, cattle, sheep,
hogs, household furniture, kitchen furniture, plantation utensils and crops
of all kinds, may be sold at the discretion of my Executor, and to be
equally divided among my six children or their legal representatives.

It is my further will and desire that my man Jack, my have his Liberty with
either of my children, and have the benefit of his own labour and that when
he becomes unable to labour, it is my request that all my children will
contribute to his comfortable support.

Lastly, I do hereby appoint my son, Robert to be my sole Executor, to this
my last Will and Testament.

Robert Kent Seal

Written March 16, 1832

Proved May 28, 1840

Witnessed by G. Payne, G.W. Richardson and Archelaus Kent.

Inventory of Robert Kent's Estate.

369 a. of land @ $8.00 Old Tract $2952.00

134 a. of land @ $5.00 Lilly's Tract 670.00

166 a. of land @ $8.00 Fork Tract 1332.00


Negro man Turner $350

" " Holeman 200 550.00

" " Miles 550

" boy Sam 650 1200.00

" man Jack 25

" " Stephen 25 50.00

" woman Betsey 50

" man Henderson 650 700.00

" woman Ailsy 200

" " Maria 275 475.00

' " Lucy 400

" man Harry 450 850.00

' boy Frederick 450 450.00

" girl Elizabeth 250 250.00

" woman Julia 400 400.00

" man Soloman ------ Nothing

Slaves 4925.00

1 mare 50.00

1 bay mare 30.00

1 grey mare 85.00

Other horses 110.00


Cows and calves 276.00

Crops 304.60

Hogs 90.00

Furniture 124.02

Farm Machinery 138.50

Total 11,317.62

October 24, 1840

James Kent was paid by the Estate, Dec. 25, 1847 for supporting

Old Solomon (Folman)for life......... .$100.00

Old Jack for life.................$100.00

After the debts were paid the estate amounted to $1336.66

To John Kent a legatee $222.77

To the children of James Kent $222.77 - (deceased)

Children of Abraham Kent, deceased.

Zechariah, John Abram, Eliza Ann, Robert M, Henry T., Horatio Kent received
$44.75 each

Children of Sarah Kent Baskett - deceased

Robert Kent Baskett, Louisa A. Baskett, Lucy Baskett, Elizabeth Baskett
Loving, William M. Baskett received $37.12 each.

To James Kent, son of William Kent $24.76

To William S. Parrish, son of Martha M. Kent deceased $24.76

To John Kent, Robert A. Kent, Virginia Kent Jordan $24.76

Children of Robert Kent and Ann Tate are:

+ 12 i. John Tate5 Kent, born Abt. 1774; died 1848.

+ 13 ii. James T. Kent, born January 18, 1777; died June 28, 1838.

+ 14 iii. William Thomas Kent, born 1779; died 1824 in Fluvanna Co, VA.

+ 15 iv. Abram Kent, born Abt. 1782; died April 03, 1826.

+ 16 v. Sarah "Sally" Tate Kent, born 1784 in Fluvanna Co, VA; died Abt.
1821 in Fluvanna Co, VA.

+ 17 vi. Robert Chiswell Kent Jr, born April 26, 1786; died December 1861 in

----- Original Message -----
From: Fred McCaleb <>
To: <>
Sent: Friday, December 22, 2000 7:23 PM
Subject: Kents

> Hello Catherine,
> Sounds like Robert Kent Jr is the son of Robert and Mary Kent. Robert
> Sr's will is in Halifal Co Va Will Book 2 page 114. Robert Jr is listed
> in the data sheet I have of family of Robert Sr. along with other Kents.
> So you may have hit the right parents. My wife is descended from Kents.
> Says she has one of the Kent wills. She doesn't have anything past
> Robert Sr or anything about Robert Jr's folks. Merry Christmas and Happy
> New Year.   Fred McCaleb
> Bettie's family web page is:    on
> Clines, Sturdivants, etc.