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Deposistion of Matthew Parham Sturdivant Concerning His Family

The deposition of Matthew Sturdivant, aged about 67 years, taken at the Court House of Nelson County, in the State of Virginia on Monday the 9th of May 1842, to be read as evidence at the trial of a cause, now depending in the court of Pleas and Quarter Sessions for the county of Northampton, in the state of North Carolina in which the State to the use of Winfield Sturdivant is Plaintiff and John Brewer Adm. & John M. Moody Adm. are defendants.The deponent being first duly sworn , on the Holy Evangelists of Allmighty God, deposeth and saith, that his father William Sturdivant dec.  late of the county of Northampton and state of North Carolina died leaving the following nine children Viz  Robert, James, Margaret, Hannah, Frances, Elizabeth, Priscilla, Peter, and Matthew (the deponent).  That Robert and James married and died leaving children, but how many or what were their names the deponent doesn't know, nor does he know when , or about what time, Robert and James died. Hannah, Frances & Priscilla,all died leaving no Children. Margaret died leaving illegitimate children and none other. Elizabeth had illegitimate children before her marriage, but whether she had any after her marriage this deponent cannot say. She is now dead as this deponent is informed and believes, but when or about what time this deponent cannot say. The Plaintiff Winfield B. Sturdivant is a stranger to this Deponent, nor does he know which of his brothers children he is. John M Moody one of the defendants came to Virginia some time last fall  and proposed purchasing this Deponents interest, but no bargain was made, and further this deponent saith not.
                                                    Matthew P. Sturdivant

The foregoing Deposition was taken, sworn, and subscribed to by Matthew Sturdivant, at the Court House of Nelson County,in the state of Virginia, before us two of the Justices of the Peace for said county, on Monday the 9th of May 1842, in pursuance of the annexed Commission. Given under our hands and seals.

                                            Floyd L Whitehead (seal)
                                            N.J. Kincaid  (seal)