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The Sitemap

Many personalized websites have a page where the vain and egotistical HTML programmer writes about himself. Here it is, in my own words.

Mooga Muffin squishy golf courses moo mooo mooo. Squig moggle chop. Moo moo.


I have five siblings (Four brothers and a sister) of whom I am the oldest. I also have a cat, and (as of October 19, at 8:22 P.M.) I have (I think) four fish: three zebrafish (Named after my four brothers), and a catfish (Who is named after my dad). The fish named after my mom and my sister died, then got sucked into the filter and, heck knows what happened to them after that. I'm still mourning the loss of my algae eater, named after yours truly.

In my spare time, I read books (Star Wars and Daniel Pinkwater books in particular), I build with Legos and I use my computer.

Some of the things that I do on my computer include programming in QBASIC, playing TIE Fighter, Sim City 2000 and Full Tilt Pinball, using Juno e-mail.