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November 12, 1999
Subject: "fashion"

We see it all around us: Fashion. I never have been able to grasp the concept thereof; the way I see it is that the purpose of clothes is to keep us warm, dry, and for modesty. I also see it as nice to have comfortable clothes, but that isn't neccecary. What I don't see is why people care how their clothes look. I know that this sounds a little odd, but what if people went around in what they feel is comfortable. Then, I would go to weddings and funerals in blue jeans and a tee-shirt. I wonder if that's why people always cry at weddings and funerals - they don't like wearing formal clothes.

This makes me wonder something. Everyone thinks teenagers are insecure, but they wear what is comfortable, while "secure" adults wear nice-looking clothes. Does this mean that teenagers are very secure, and adults are nervous?

I never have gotten the concept of formal clothes, either. I have to, on occasion, get dressed up, so that I wouldn't look out of place where a lot of other people are getting dressed up, for the same reason as mine. Everyone is uncomfortable and nervous about looking uncomfortable and nervous in front of a bunch of other uncomfortable and nervous people. Do fashion designers purposefully design uncomfortable clothes, and then take pictures of us being nervous with hidden cameras?

Back to the fashion subject: Why do people spend so much on clothes when they could get what they really want for less? I mean, there are businessmen wearing [uncomfortable] expensive suits so that it will look like they have a lot of money? I mean, that's a good way to get mugged! If I were a thug, I'd beat up on someone wearing and Armani suit, not someone wearing jeans and a tee-shirt. If teenagers could wear Armani suits, and businessmen would wear jeans and tee-shirts, think of how the crime rate would decrease!

A few months back, my brother bought some Tommy Hilfieger boots. He needed the boots, he doesn't give a dang about Hilfieger. Anyway, I can't look at these boots without laughing. They look like clown shoes! My friend Tiffany was talking with my brother and me, and whenever she'd glance at my brother's shoes, she'd wince!

To conclude (For once) fashion designers must want us to look silly and wear clothes that make us uncomfortable and nervous. From now on, I declare November Twelfth National Blue Jeans and Tee-shirt day. If you don't wear blue jeans and a tee-shirt, we make you wear clown shoes.

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