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November 16, 1999
Subject: Textbooks

First off, I would like to announce that The Daily Column has a title! I have decided to call it, The Way I See It... mainly because that's how I tend to start my paragraphs.

Oyah, I would also like to announce to all those who were curious, yes, indeed, I am mortal in general, human in particular. I actully misplaced a textbook!

In case you were wondering why I mentioned that is because many of my classmates think I can't possibly be human. Why is up to your own discretion, but it is my belief that since I joked about the media center having anti-nuke lasers, that might have affected them.

Anyway, as I was walking into school today, I was talking with my friend, Mike. Mike and I normally joke about the quote of the day, or spork poems, but today I explained that I my English textbook got lost. I didn't lose it, but you know how text books are. I thought that it ran off with Gretel Handelson's agenda book during my class's trip to the media center (You know, the one with the lasers?) but I couldn't be sure. I was fairly sure, however, that my doom was assured, considering the fact that Ms. Draygone (Sound it out, you'll get it!) occasionally gives 2 points out of ten on homework assignments, and since she has been known to breath fire. Well, actually she doesn't breath fire, but some of my classmates are scared of her. I'm only mildly terrified.

Ms. Draygon didn't breath fire.

Anyway, Mike and I were talking about how English class doesn't deserve a textbook. I mean, teachers never stick to it, they just pull excercises out of it. Math deserves a textbook because it is so concrete. Science is pretty concrete, but my science teacher teaches us a lot of stuff that isn't in the books that the books themselves only provide a little background. Social Studies is very concrete, and Mr. Bukwirk (See Ms. Draygone's note) gives us so much bookwork that the textbook is a life staple to him.

I did find my textbook in the library, and I scolded it severely for its lack of manners around cute little agenda books.

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