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Transloader Help

The first thing you will need to do is set up an account at a webhosting service. I use and recommend Angelfire.


It is Free! Sign-up there, and then login. You will start at the webshell. On The left side of this page you will see a gray box, with one file in it called (index.html). Underneath the gray box you should see a (file uploader), and underneath that, the (transloader). Under (transloader), will be a space to put in the URL of the item you wish to transload. You will also be able to rename the file as whatever you wish. If you do this, (it is optional), don't forget to end the name with .ram for ex. (nameofsong.ram). If you do not end it with .ram , it will not work! To get the URL of the song you want to transload, just click on the song. When the song begins to play, click (options) on your keyboard, then click (goto), then (SHOW LAST). The URL will then show up. Make sure you click (show last), and not (show current), because if you do, you will get the URL of the page, and not the song's URL! Once you see the URL of the song (it will end with .ram), click (cmd) + (a) at the same time. This should highlite the URL. Then click (cmd+c), this will copy the URL. Now goto the Angelfire transloader, and paste (cmd+v), the URL into the appropriate space. *Note:Delete the http:// , that is already there b4 you paste the URL! The http:// is included in the URL you copied. You don't want it on there twice, because the song will not work! Once the URL is in place, and you have renamed the file if you chose to, click on (move it). When the transload is finished, the song file name should show up in the gray box. If it is not there, hit (cmd+r) to reload the page. If it is still not there, then you did something wrong. Try again! Now that the song is in the file box, click on it (should put a check mark beside it), then above the gray box, click on (view file). The song should start playing! Some of this may seem confusing at first, but after you have done it a few times, it becomes very, very easy. If you have any problems, or questions, feel free to e-mail me, and I will do whatever I can to help!

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