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Bless My 'Puter

Lord please bless my computer

God, thank you for the many things

You've done for me today,

And please bless all our children

And watch them on their way.

But God there's just something

I must ask you to do,

Would you please bless my puter

And keep it working too?

I know that's not a normal request

As it's just a piece of metal

But if you'll listen just tonight,

I'll try to explain a little.

That metal box that's sitting here

Holds more than odds and ends.

Inside those small components

Are hundreds of loving friends.

Some I have not seen before

Except upon my screen,

But we have talked and shared a lot

And they listen to my dreams.

The kindness that they give to me

From this box that's sitting here,

Is the friendship that I treasure

And to me that's very dear.

Some I do not know their name

It's just ID's I see.

But you see God, all these people

Mean the world to me.

Sometimes we see their name flash up

As they connect to ICQ.

And then we know that we can share

Our troubles many or few.

When we are sitting at our desks

It never seems to fail,

A little icon then comes up,

It says that "You've got mail".

It is by faith I know them

Much the same as I know you.

I share my life and they with me

So if its ok with you....

Please take a little extra time

From your duties up above,

To bless this little hunk of steel

That's filled with so much love.

"Author Unknown"

May You Always
Feel Loved
True Story,
Keep On Singing
My Mother's Garden
Children's Letters
To God
A Time For Roses " If "
Is Heaven In
The Yellow Pages?
What Is A Friend? Awesome Beautiful Image
"You Are here"
Bless My 'Puter
A Doll and
A White Rose
Blue Flowers
True Story,
The Sandpiper
Childrens' 10 Commandments Today, Tomorrow,
and Yesterday
Life's Lessons Santa's Secret Wish Landscapes of Life
When God Created Mothers When God Created Fathers Love Of A Child
My Only Guarantee I'm Still Here Kids View On Love

Below you will find links to my other poem indexes and snowglobes.

Snowglobes Poem Index Two Poem Index Three
Poem Index Four Poem Index Five