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This poem has been said to be written by
another person..other then the true author..
I have done LOTS of research regarding this
poem and found that it was indeed written
by the author I have given credit to.
It can also be found in a
book compiled by A.L.Alexander titled
with the author as

In the top drawer of her dresser

is one pair of little shoes

And a pair of little booties

from which her Mom can choose.

Although she cannot walk just yet,

out with her Mom she goes

For strolls in different shades of pink

from her head down to her toes.

But soon the little newborn

has to a toddler grown;

In patent-leather party shoes

she's walking all alone.

But someone's watching closely

as she takes each shaky stride,

And though she may not notice it,

her mom is at her side.

The nursery's now a bedroom,

the baby's crib is gone,

The little girl is off to school

with brand-new sneakers on.

She skips onto the schoolyard

with a step as light as air,

While Mom, though smiling bravely,

feels at loose ends standing there.

The little girl grows older,

and with each passing year

Her first high-heels

and cowgirl boots eventually appear.

And then, as if by magic,

the little girl is grown,

She wears the latest fashions

bought with earnings of her own.

Then one fine day she's walking

with her father at her side

In shoes of fine white satin,

for now she is a bride.

I wonder where the time has gone,

and wistfully recall

My little girl, in little shoes,

so innocent and small.

And now I am a Grannie,

and Daughter, you're a Mom,

Your little newborn daughter

is the sunshine of your home.

The top drawer of her dresser

is filled with little shoes,

And many pairs of booties

from which you now can choose.

Cherish each passing moment,

the laughter and the tears,

For days go by so swiftly

and gather soon to years.

The little shoes she will outgrow

before you realize,

She'll blossom like a summer's rose

before your very eyes.

Be always there to walk with her

when up against the odds,

Make sure she knows that she can

count on mother and on God.

And though she'll spread her wings and fly,

as all our daughters do,

One day she'll wear a mother's shoes,

and she'll come home to you.

Author~Catherine Chandler

Take My Hand The Littlest Angels A Frail Old Angel Cry
The Gold Slippers It's Up To You The Difference
Think Of Those
Who Love You
Butterfly If You Come
Across An Angel
An Interview With God The Teddy Bear God's Greatest Work
Of Art
A Love Story Butterfly Kisses Little Eyes
Santa Claus An Angel In Your Pocket One Little Rose
"You Are Here"
Little Shoes
Flower Of Friendship A Dozen Roses
The Candy Cane Story God's Love Is
All Around Us
Santa Mouse

Below you will find links to my other poem indexes and snowglobes.

Snowglobes Poem Index One Poem Index Three
Poem Index Four Poem Index Five