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My friend told me he fell in love,

I asked him how he knew;

I almost wished I hadn't asked,

For his words fairly flew.

"Let me try to tell you, friend,"

I heard him deeply sigh;

"My love for her is greater than

The blue up in the sky."

"It's wider than the ocean,

It's deeper than the sea;

I never felt such love before,

Here's what she means to me."

"She's the nail that holds the picture,

Upon my plaster wall;

She's the moving escalator,

In my local shopping mall."

"She's the divider on my freeway,

The curb along my street;

She's as necessary to me,

As the skin upon my feet."

"The dial on my radio,

The remote for my TV,

The hassock where I put my feet,

She's that valu'ble to me."

"She's the reason why I work so hard,

She's the money in my pay;

She's the beginning and the ending,

Of my every single day."

"She's the peak upon my mountain top,

The fat trout of my stream,

As refreshing as a freezer,

And as warm as sauna steam."

"She's my morning mug of coffee,

The steak upon my plate;

She's the ice cube of my lemonade,

My destiny, my fate."

I must admit I was impressed,

Such passion, my friend showed;

I'd never heard such touching words,

As from his lips did flow.

"I need to know," I asked him then,

"About this woman's beauty."

He shyly dropped his eyes and said,

"That's a pleasure ... not a duty!"

"Her eyes are big and very brown,

Her nose, true sculptured art;

Her body is divinely formed,

Her legs, her greatest part."

"I've never had a truer love,

So very pure and chaste."

He closed his eyes and touched his heart,

Real bliss upon his face.

"I love her to my very soul,

She is my Valley's Lily;

She's surely in my heart of hearts,

I love this little filly."

"Sixteen hands high, she is,

And she gallops like the wind;

She's the finest horse I ever had."

Then, he broke into a grin!

~ Written by Virginia Ellis ~

Copyright © 1999

Used with permission

Please click on the logo to read some more of Virginia's poems.

"You Are Here"
A Tender Love Story
"Virginia Ellis"
Rose A Very Special Child
Birdies What Is A Little Girl? What Is A Little Boy?
Your Special Angel
"Virginia Ellis"
Believe In Your Heart If Teddy Bears
Ruled The World
A Child's Angel ChildHood Doesn't Last Old Jim and Jesus
Roses Every Year A Time To Believe Moonlight Ride
Christmas In Heaven Letter From Heaven What Makes A Mother?
Kids Are Funny The Fence Learning From Our Pets
A Special Angel The Gift of An Angel
By Your Side
The Size Of Your Heart

Below you will find links to my
other poem indexes and snowglobes.

Snowglobes Poem Index One Poem Index Two
Poem Index Four Poem Index Five