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A rose just might be taken for dead

When covered with leaves and winters snow

But when it’s again a time for roses

That rose will spring forth and grow.

Hurt can be hidden so no one can see

When covered with fear or with hate,

But love can erase all that is hidden

If you let it before it’s too late.

Don’t let the anger of your tortured soul

Blind you to what could be,

A love that’s as fresh as a rain drenched rose,

This love can happen between you and me.

I may not be the one you had chosen

And you’re not the one I would claim,

But sometimes life deals us a hand

And we play to stay in the game.

So what may now seem hidden or dead

Like the roses waiting for spring,

If given the chance love can bloom too

When it’s time for roses again.

"Joyce Jackson"

May You Always
Feel Loved
True Story,
Keep On Singing
My Mother's Garden
Children's Letters
To God
"You Are here"
A Time For Roses
" If "
Is Heaven In
The Yellow Pages?
What Is A Friend? Awesome Beautiful Image
Bless My 'Puter A Doll and
A White Rose
Blue Flowers
True Story,
The Sandpiper
Childrens' 10 Commandments Today, Tomorrow,
and Yesterday
Life's Lessons Santa's Secret Wish Landscapes of Life
When God Created Mothers When God Created Fathers Love Of A Child
My Only Guarantee I'm Still Here Kids View On Love

Below you will find links to my other poem indexes and snowglobes.

Snowglobes Poem Index Two Poem Index Three
Poem Index Four Poem Index Five