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"Today I am a movie star ...

You were yesterday."

"Okay, today I will explore,

A jungle far away."

"And I live in Hollywood,

I give out autographs."

"Well, I live in Africa,

And have a pet giraffe."

"And now I am on Broadway,

And I am also on TV;

I make guest appearances,

You can appear with me."

"No, I can't. I'm sick in Africa,

And I'm very, very ill;

You must come to my bedside,

And bring a magic pill."

"You come and take good care of me,

And I'll live because of you;

I'm so glad you are my sister,

And do what sisters do."

Then, we two fall down in laughter,

My little sis and me;

Today's game is finally over,

And we end our fantasy.

There was only two years difference,

Which is not much when you're small;

It's like you have a built-in friend,

And you love her most of all.

There were times, of course, we disagreed,

Sometimes we fought and fussed;

But woe upon the outside soul,

Who dared to pick on one of us.

Right or wrong, I would defend her,

To the death I'd take my stand;

I know she'd do the same for me,

Outsiders cannot understand.

Once when we were very young,

I planned to run away;

My sister begged me not to go ...

(I can smile at this today.)

But I'd made up my little mind,

And I made it up one hill;

My sister slowly trailed behind,

(I close my eyes and see her still.)

The tears were streaming down her cheeks,

"Please don't go," my sister cried;

But I stubbornly moved on,

After all ... I had my pride.

I took another step or two,

Then she said, "I'll go tell Mom;"

That was all it took, (I guess),

For then I turned around.

I see that little tearful face,

Now in my reverie;

Then I did not know, of course,

How much she meant to me.

Well, we each grew up and did our thing,

We went out on our own;

But always we have kept in touch,

By telepathy or telephone.

I never got my pet giraffe,

Nor did I travel very far;

My sister never got in movies,

Nor became a Broadway star.

Most childhood dreams just disappear,

And adults accept their fate;

But I'm glad my sis is still around,

And we can still relate.

A truth our mother told us,

And this, I well remember ...

"One day your dad and I'll be gone,

But ... sisters are forever!"

~ Virginia (Ginny) Ellis ~
Copyright © 2000
Used with permission

Click on the link below to visit
Virginia's website and read more
of her wonderful poems.

A Child's Christmas List Peek-A-Boo
"Virginia Ellis"
To Mommy and Daddy
"You Are Here"
Sisters Are Forever
"Virginia Ellis"
Before I Go I Have Dreamed
Many Dreams
An Angel Wrote When Tomorrow Starts
Without Me
I Give To You
A Christmas Story Four Roses I'm An Angel Now
Puppies For Sale Romance Redneck Style A Tribute To Daughters
Which House Do
You Live In?
A Faithful Dog God Knows Best
Angelic Role Models A Rose and Thorn Understanding
Before The Sun
Goes Down
"Virginia Ellis"
The Book Cover
"Virginia Ellis"
Let me Not Forget
The Flowers
"Virginia Ellis"

Below you will find links to my
other poem indexes and snowglobes.

Snowglobes Poem Index One Poem Index Two
Poem Index Three Poem Index Five