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To All My Friends

Friendship is a strange thing. We find ourselves telling
each other the deepest details of our lives ...
things we don't even share with the families who raised us.

But what is a friend?

A confidant? A shoulder to cry on?
An ear to listen? A heart to feel?
A friend is all these ... and more.
No matter where we met,
no matter how long we've been together ...
I call you friend.
A word so small, yet so large in feeling,
a word filled with emotion,
a word overflowing with love.

Truly great things come in small packages.
Once the package of friendship has been opened,
it can never be closed.
It is a constant book always waiting ...
waiting to be read ... and enjoyed.
We may have our disagreements ...
we may have our disappointments ...
we may argue ...
we may concern one another ...
friendship is a unique bond that
lasts through all tribulations.

A part of each of us goes into our friendships
... our humor ... our experiences ... our tears.
Friendships are foundations ... necessary for life ... and love.
Friends ... you and me ...
you brought another friend and then we were three ...
we started our group ...
our circle of friends ...
there is no beginning ... there is no end.

"Author Unknown"

A friend is a person to laugh and cry with,

An inspiration,

Someone who lends a helping hand,

though friends may not be forever,

And they may not end up together,

the memories of a true friendship will last forever.

A friend is not a shadow nor a servant

But someone who holds

a piece of a person in his heart.

Someone who shares a smile,

Someone who brightens up your day

What makes a person a friend?

Is by saying your Love will stay.

"Author Unknown"

May You Always
Feel Loved
True Story,
Keep On Singing
My Mother's Garden
Children's Letters
To God
A Time For Roses " If "
Is Heaven In
The Yellow Pages?
"You Are Here"
What Is A Friend?
Awesome Beautiful Image
Bless My 'Puter A Doll and
A White Rose
Blue Flowers
True Story,
The Sandpiper
Childrens' 10 Commandments Today, Tomorrow,
and Yesterday
Life's Lessons Santa's Secret Wish Landscapes of Life
When God Created Mothers When God Created Fathers Love Of A Child
My Only Guarantee I'm Still Here Kids View On Love

Below you will find links to my other poem indexes and snowglobes.

Snowglobes Poem Index Two Poem Index Three
Poem Index Four Poem Index Five