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My child, listen ...

And do not fear,

What I have to say,

Only you can hear.

Yes, this voice is someone

Who loved you so dearly;

I want you to know,

That I can see you clearly.

Dry your eyes

And wipe away that tear;

I will always be there,

Yet not quite so near.

There is an important message

That I need for you to understand;

Even from here,

One can lend a helping hand.

Think not that I am gone

And shall never hear you;

It is only now that I know

All that you do.

It is true ... I have passed on

To a different place;

Here we know neither

Color nor race.

I know that I am no longer

Someone you are able to see;

But listen to your heart

And you will feel me.

Your life shall go on,

My love for you instilled;

It is my fondest desire,

That your dreams be fulfilled.

I am at peace now

As I watch over you;

My love is ever present,

There is no more I can do.

Take care of our family

And all our friends as well;

As your life goes on

There will be many stories to tell.

My departure was a separation,

But I do not want you to mourn;

It was such a blessing to be there

On the day you were born.

You will seek out all the pleasures

And love all that life has to hold;

Remember that I will be there

While you're young and when you're old.

~ Robert Beau ~

A Child's Christmas List Peek-A-Boo
"Virginia Ellis"
To Mommy and Daddy
Sisters Are Forever
"Virginia Ellis"
Before I Go I Have Dreamed
Many Dreams
An Angel Wrote When Tomorrow Starts
Without Me
I Give To You
A Christmas Story Four Roses I'm An Angel Now
Puppies For Sale Romance Redneck Style A Tribute To Daughters
Which House Do
You Live In?
A Faithful Dog God Knows Best
Angelic Role Models A Rose and Thorn "You Are Here"
Before The Sun
Goes Down
"Virginia Ellis"
The Book Cover
"Virginia Ellis"
Let me Not Forget
The Flowers
"Virginia Ellis"

Below you will find links to my
other poem indexes and snowglobes.

Snowglobes Poem Index One Poem Index Two
Poem Index Three Poem Index Five