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Before the sun goes down tonight,

Before this day is through.

There are some tugs within my heart,

That I want to share with you.

First, I want to say I love you,

I don't say that near enough.

I mean to say it every day,

But I forget it as I rush.

Then I want to say forgive me

For not attending as I should.

I listened, but I didn't hear,

I could have better understood.

What would I do without you?

I need to tell you that.

How I appreciate you,

How you've kept my life in tact.

To say a simple thank you,

Seems commonplace and trite.

But, oh, I am so grateful,

You have been inside my life.

I dare not let the sun go down,

Without saying all these things.

There is no way of knowing

What the night or morrow brings.

If either of us chance to leave,

Then I am glad I did express.

These thoughts that "lie too deep for words,"

May God gently bless the one that's left.

by Virginia (Ginny) Ellis

6/7/00 Copyright ~2000

Please click on the link below to visit Virginia's website and read some more of her wonderful poems.

A Child's Christmas List Peek-A-Boo
"Virginia Ellis"
To Mommy and Daddy
Sisters Are Forever
"Virginia Ellis"
Before I Go I Have Dreamed
Many Dreams
An Angel Wrote When Tomorrow Starts
Without Me
I Give To You
A Christmas Story Four Roses I'm An Angel Now
Puppies For Sale Romance Redneck Style A Tribute To Daughters
Which House Do
You Live In?
A Faithful Dog God Knows Best
Angelic Role Models A Rose and Thorn Understanding
"You Are Here"
Before The Sun
Goes Down
"Virginia Ellis"
The Book Cover
"Virginia Ellis"
Let me Not Forget
The Flowers
"Virginia Ellis"

Below you will find links to my
other poem indexes and snowglobes.

Snowglobes Poem Index One Poem Index Two
Poem Index Three Poem Index Five