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Poem Index Five

Below you will find a table with links to all the poems and true stories. These poems or true stories were either sent to me in an email or I found them by surfing the net. Most of the poems or true stories had "Author Unknown" written under the poem or true story, otherwise the author is listed. If you recognize a poem or true story and know who the author is, please let me know so I can give the person the proper credit.

An Angels Kiss My Golden Angel
"Virginia Ellis"
The Dress
Best Friends Mountain Nights
"Virginia Ellis"
Double Angel Love
"Virginia Ellis"
Standing Watch Angels Are Always There Guardian Angels
Why Angels Have Come God's Little Angels My Little Angel
By The Window Angels Walk With You The Dove
Her Daddy "Coming Soon" "Coming Soon"
"Coming Soon" "Coming Soon" "Coming Soon"
"Coming Soon" "Coming Soon" "Coming Soon"

Below are links to my other poem indexes and snowglobes.

Snowglobes Poem Index One Poem Index Two
Poem Index Three Poem Index Four