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T-52 - 2nd Day of Flying

Here's the plane after the second day of flying - it was AWESOME!!! The new, larger folding prop made a huge difference!!! With the speed 400 motor & this prop (Robbe 6 x 3.5), performance was terrific!!! At one point, I decided to do some loops - four in a row were no problem. This plane will throttle down and glide around very slowly for some beautiful touch 'n goes. All 'n all, I couldn't possibly be happier with this plane. This is probably the 12th, or so, RC plane I've ever built & flown. I am 100% happy with the plane - it has to be one of the best, if not THE best trainer available. Try it - you'll love it!!! The next one I build will build MUCH quicker - probably half the time. I am hooked on foamies!!! Durable, light, quick & cheap - what more do you want?

I couldn't get my trainer cord to work properly - I was attempting to teach my sons how to fly - every time I'd activate the trainer switch, the plane acted as if I had just given it "full up" command. So, my sons (13 & 10) were a bit bummed out - but, then, I had an idea . . . we were at a large field at the top of a hill and I decided to try to fly it without power - I gave it a healthy toss & VIOLA!!! It worked!!! My sons each had about 12 turns flying the thing - they each flew it down the gently sloping, grassy hill until they were so tired they couldn't continue. This was a MOST positive experience for each of them - when the plane took an unexpected nose dive, it wasn't even phased - VERY DURABLE plane - AWESOME!!! I'm guessing the flight duration for these hand tossed flights was only about maybe 20 seconds, and the flight was only maybe 300 feet, or so. The "rule" was, if you fly it, you bring it back. This was also a great form of exercise - I took pity on the little guys & would go down & retrieve the plane many times - I had TONS of fun. Thanks to JK Aerotech for a PHENOMENAL plane!!!

 T-52 - 3rd Day of Flying

I can only report "more of the same" after the 3rd day of flying - plane was handed extreme abuse yet the only damage was scuff marks to the prop spinner. My 13-year-old decided it was his job to "prove" the durability of this plane. My sons were somewhat surprised the plane wasn't hurt - now they just take it for granted the thing can't be hurt. On one landing the plane did a viscious cartwheel - damage? - the wing was "cocked" about 15 degrees off center - removed rubber bands, re-installed wing - here we go again!!!


Flight Performance


Performance of this plane - it does exactly what it's supposed to do - it's a very stable trainer. As mentioned earlier, I've done many loops from level flight & I've even tried to fly it upside down (laughed so hard I almost peed - needs a barn door elevator for this - not recommended - the plane was struggling to stay inverted and finally I let it run out of momentum - it stalled - inverted, about 30 feet up & nose-dived into the field. My son & I were just laughing - I went over, brushed the dirt off the spinner, gave it a good "look see" - throttled it up & took off again. AWESOME!!!


I've also flown it in gusty winds - once it took about a minute for me to fly upwind about 200' - the T-52 was struggling & fighting to go into the wind - very fun & challenging. I wouldn't recommend flying in windy conditions until you've mastered basic flight. In my opinion, there simply isn't a better trainer available. Durable, cheap, flies great, looks great - what more do you want?


Here I am with the plane after about 30 flights on it - what a fun plane!

I trimmed the wing trailing edge corners (just a wee bit) because one broke off before I covered the wing. My version of this plane looks rather "dull", however, I'd rather fly the thing than spend my life making it pretty & then have to worry about crashing it. Although, crashing the T-52 probably wouldn't do any damage.



Suggestions, Recommendations & Summary:


#1 - The next T-52 I build will probably place the servos closer to the front - mine balanced with the 8-cell battery pack all the way to the front. Placing the servos more toward the front would allow the battery pack to be placed a bit further back. You never want to have to add weight to balance a plane (exceptions are recognized, but generally, with this type of plane, this is true).


#2 - I haven't flown this plane on 7 cells, but it flies great on 8.


#3 - Follow the directions - if this is your first foam plane, make sure you're familiar with the building process before you build the plane. I didn't follow the directions and really wish I had. Based on my prior modeling experience, I found the problems I encountered (due to not following directions) were "solvable", however, it meant more work and the plane is neither as aerodynamic or as visually appealing. Make sure you know the difference of packing tape versus strapping tape.


#4 - Don't use a prop from a Wingo.


#5 - When flying with a micro color surveillance camera above a nudist commune, don't be surprised if you find buckshot holes in the wing and tail sections (the fuselage, somehow, was unscathed).


#6 - Mounting the engine as I did (one of the suggested methods in the directions) worked great and added an extra measure of durability when you crash.


#7 - Use mineral spirits to remove grass stains from the prop - otherwise your father-in-law might make remarks like "Tell me 'bout this new weed wacker you got thure boi" 'cause that could lead to another fight - even though you know he's got a gun even though he's on parole even though he does make the best 'shine in Douglas county and even though yer stock is runnin' low 'cause yer maw-in-law keeps hangin' out at yer place 'cause she caint go back home 'till her black eye goes away 'cause she drinks too much and talks too much when she does.


#8 - Always use safety measures when flying - don't fly within sight of the "4th Annual Unwed Mother's Bikini Picnic Beach Party" - it's not hurting the plane I'm worried about - it don't break & I can fix the camaro - it's the new "AINT SKEERD" tag on the front that's got me bein' careful.



Have a nice day!