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What a nice way for someone to say -- This is Good. Excellence is it's own reward. And the striving for it is not just a labor of love -- it's fun.

I have received many kind words from so many of you, who like I, have no official award to give. I treasure them. Because I know they come from the heart!

Küß die Hand, Gnädige Frau!
What a delightfully beautiful and inspiring site you have! I am very pleased to give to you my Amadeus Award

Please know that I shall revsit your Enlightened site again and again. It is spirits such as yours that will guide our noble Race to the place it belongs! Your humble servant, Wolfgang A. Mzt.

From a lovely lady who has the most beautiful Oriental graphics you can imagine. Huge collection, great music and wonderful links. Thank you J.

Hey! Go hear YODA at this site! :-) And you can also see dragons by the trainloads.

Thank you DoctorMerlin. Like Links? Visit this great links site with over 1400 links - commercial and homepages.

Thanks, Aussiebabe. Go see a lady from down under with a talent for webpages and a love of her family.

Nina's Award

...from her dedication page
Eric of the Misty Blue Mountains

Eric Lee Baker Award

This award is very special to me, and I had set the anniversary of Erics' death, April 1, 1996, as a goal to have it finished by...                   Don't know if you know of the legend of the Pegasus and the spirit of Poetry and Literature that it embodies - but that is why I created that particular sketch... not knowing that a year later my precious Eric would be dead... And so it is that I chose my rendering of Pegasus for this award. Eric loved to appreciate artists! It was the lifeblood of him to give his all in doing it - and this way - he will go on doing it as long as there is a way for me to be his ambassador in doing so!   *melancholy smile*

My Most Treasured Award

From a very special lady who took the time to bare her soul...

It has been said that the eyes are the windows of ones soul...if that is true then the light of love that must shine from your eyes must be positively blinding!  I have just been on one of the most uplifting and soul wrenching journies of my life thanks to you.  One of my favorite things to turn to at the end of each day is LynnLynn's links...I have found some wonderful sites that way.  But never have I been so touched as tonight.

  About a month ago I developed a problem requiring surgery from which the road to recovery is a slow and painful one.  If that wasn't enough, I also was diagnosed with type2 diabetes, requiring, at least for now, three insulin injections per day, a total change in lifestyle, and great expense on an already tight budget.  I am blessed with a very loving and supportive husband, two married daughters who are also there for their mom and an older sister who has amazed me with the love she has show.  But in spite of those blessings, sometimes it has been really difficult to remain cheerful and try to not give in to feelins of being a bit overwhelmed by it all.  I have sought strenght in the love of my family, and my Heavenly Father; turned to my music to soothe my aching body and spirit and have used a lot of positive imagery and affirmations.  But, ohhh...thank you so much for giving me a new addition to those healing options! 

    As I took your tour, each step moved me to greater heights than did the one before... 'til by the time I reached the journey's end, I felt lighter than I have in a long, long time!  Every insight you offered was a new and marvelous thing, I cried most of the way through the journey, wonderful cleansing and healing tears.  You have given me a place to go when the struggle gets too tough...I shall return again and again to take the tour and refresh my spirit.

  Your friends and family are so very blessed to have you in their lives,  Tonight I was touched by one of God's angels among us...and I am honored.

  Thank you for sharing your love with those who choose to take the journey you offer, it is one heck of a ride!


Caring is nice. Showing someone you care is grand!

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