To Irma Village
Where Irma Rules!
This is a special spot...
It's my waste treatment plant.
But seriously, this could be a fun place<> for anyone who has ever known
a jerk like you.
So very glad you made it!
Where on earth have you been, man?
You see, we split in a hurry
and I forgot to tell you something
It took me a while to wake up and smell the coffee
Ahh, but it's perking now.
I have learned in your face parting shot...
How about
a little snappy tune to get us going...
I have a word
Being the cooler dude of the species,
Well, you like it now,
Points to Ponder...
As Streisand said, you don't bring me flowers any more.
Just kick back
I promise not to hurt you
Did I say "promise"?, babe?
oooooh, in your face, sweety
So hit it, Jack!
The stickers here provided by: She also has GREAT postcards to send to your friends and family.
Not ALL men are like you!
Sorry, gents, should I offend any of you.
I'll make it up to you later.
So now for the cheesey
...or four
Hit the Road, Jack!
I know you're gonna like this
but you'll learn to love it later
...No Problem!
I have, however, explored the bottom of your mind
I spent years with you just searching
for a key to fit the lock
but the only door that opened
led right to a mental block
You need to find a nice girl, ya know?
I'm enjoying a needed break from you!
Need someone to give you direction?
It's called THE ROAD!
Have Fun!
'Cause I sure am!
We are having that party without you, man!
ArtGekko's Very Fun Site
One talented individual!