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Inspiration For Life

Welcome to HERE... ME!

From WHEREVER you are... YOU!

There are two types of people--those who come into a room and say,
'Well, here I am!'
and those who come in and say,
'Ah, there you are.' ~ Frederick L Collins

Let's make that four kinds. There is a third who does neither.
And a fourth who does both!

Be multi-dimensional!

This site contains inspirational thoughts and pictures.
Some days... some days, you need inspiration...
And some nights are worse.
So this page was made to pick me up on those days or nights.
I hope you leave here with a smile or a glow or
a greater inner strength and resolve.

There are tastefully selected midis here to compliment the view,
so you may wish to adjust your volume accordingly.

Never Fade Away

Tribute to September 11, 2001

These pages were initially composed on a big screen TV with WebTV,
a wonderful diversion for me.
I am currently using a PC.

You may enter by clicking on my Site Map or
"Begin the Dance", which a tour of five pages designed to lift your spirits.

We are the music makers,
        And we are the dreamers of dreams,
    Wandering by lone sea-breakers,
        And sitting by desolate streams;
    World-losers and world-forsakers,
        On whom the pale moon gleams:
    Yet we are the movers and shakers
        Of the world for ever, it seems.

My wish for you is that you reflect on your own life and the magnificant potential which you possess.

Come now and escape with me on a

Won't you please come...

Life is a are the star.

**Begin the Dance**

**Click Here for Site Map**

I encourage you to view and sign my guestbook.

You will find some very nice people have been through here.
And if you have a site, please
leave your link so that I may return your visit
and that others may visit you, too!
You see, this is a social thing.


View My Guestbook Sign My Guestbook

You Are Special Visionary No.


AS one who, walking in the twilight gloom,
Hears round about him voices as it darkens,
And seeing not the forms from which they come,
Pauses from time to time, and turns and hearkens.

So walking here in twilight, 0 my friends!
I hear your voices, softened by the distance,
And pause, and turn to listen, as each sends
His words of friendship, comfort and assistance.

If any thought of mine, or sung or told,
Has ever given delight or consolation,
Ye have repaid me back a thousand-fold,
By every friendly sign and salutation.

Thanks for the sympathies that ye have shown!
Thanks for each kindly word, each silent token,
That teaches me, when seeming most alone,
Friends are around us, though no word be spoken.

Kind messages, that pass from land to land;
Kind letters, that betray the heart's deep history,
In which we feel the pressure of a hand,--
One touch of fire, and all the rest is mystery!

The pleasant books, that silently among
Our household treasures take familiar places,
And are to us as if a living tongue
Spake from the printed leaves or pictured faces.

Perhaps on earth I never shall behold,
With eye of sense, your outward form and semblance;
Therefore to me ye never will grow old,
But live forever young in my remembrance.

Never grow old, nor change, nor pass away,
Your gentle voices will flow on forever,
When life grows bare and tarnished with decay,
As through a leafless landscape flows a river.

Not chance of birth or place has made us friends,
Being oftimes of different tongues and nations,
But the endeavor for the selfsame ends,
With the same hopes, and fears, and aspirations.

Therefore I hope to join your seaside walk,
Saddened, and mostly silent, with emotion;
Not interrupting with intrusive talk
The grand, majestic symphonies of ocean.

Therefore I hope, as no unwelcome guest,
At your warm fireside, when the lamps are lighted,
To have my place reserved among the rest,
Nor stand as one unsought and uninvited!


index of irma's writing