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Well if you already don't know, my name is Angel and I am a junior civil engineering major at Morgan State University - School of Engineering. I am 19 years old and I am from Baltimore, MD. I am a young black, intelligent and gifted woman with my head on straight. I am sweet and caring until you do me wrong-then you are cut off, for good! After spending ample time studying, I usually adhere to my MISS JUNIOR 1999-2000 duties, spend time with my sweetie, hang out with my girls, party, dance, model or just a liittle bit of any and everything to meet new people. By the way, I am glad to have met you!

fav color: black
fav TV show: Real World
fav food: shrimp
fav fruit: kiwi....mmmmmm
fav CD: The Wood soundtrack
pet peeves: when people don't answer me; when people ask me stupid questions
phoniest people: haters; my father
fav people: my family, my booh, my dawgs "Objects of Envy"
best characteristic: my intelligence
worst characteristic: my procrastination

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