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Can you believe that I didn't even want to go to college when I finished high school? My grades were good and all but I didn't think that college had anything to offer. Man, was I wrong. I love Morgan State. It was my first and only choice(the engineering school is "off the meter"). People just don't realize that this is the place(college) where you will find out who you are. You will be faced with life-concerning issues such as friendships, family relations, spirituality, sexuality, and most of all self-realization. I thought that I was the only person going through this change in my life but I realize that I'm not. I'm not saying that college is for everyone but it gives you a head start into the world of reality.

One of the first lessons that we all will encounter is DIVERSITY. Freshmen(been there, done that) kill me coming to college thinking that their way is the only way and everybody else is whack. Reality Check--When you go to college, you are exposed to many different things that you aren't used to. You'll get use to it and learn to appreciate it. I even had to check myself. I'm from Baltimore so you know that it was club music, all the way. I thought DC people were whack because they listened to go-go. Come to find out, every party you go to in college plays an array of music all night long. I have learned to adapt and actually like it a little bit. Point blank...If you don't adapt, you ain't gonna get no where, meet nobody and you definitely ain't gonna have no fun(I felt ebonics was needed here).

In these pictures, everybody is representin'. B-more, DC, VA, Cali, NY, Philly, the Dirty South and many others.
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