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The Winners of The

Raymond and Alisha


From: (Donna) Date:    Tue, Oct 2, 2001, 5:14pm (CST+1) To: Subject:    Replying to Webtv Plus

Hi Ronnie and Jim My name is Donna and I'm from Wisconsin and I think what you guys are doing is fantastic and the Lord will Bless you ten fold. I have a son named Raymond and he is 35 years old andhad both of his legs amputated all the way up to his pelvis. So he can't use prosthesis because there is nothing to grip on to. He started having problems when he turned 18. He had trouble breathing so we took him to the hospital and they sent him home saying he had pneuomia. Well needless to say he got worse. So I talked to our company doctor at work and he said to have him come to his office in the morning. Well, the doctor admitted him into the hospital. My husband and I both went to the hospital and the doctor met us at the elevator and told us that we experienced a miracle. They had traced the blood clot and it had gone through his heart and people do not live to tell about it..Praise Jesus! Now he was diagnoised in his left lung two thirds full of blood clots. They hospitalized him for three weeks and put him on blood thinners and some other meds. Later, six months to be exact, the other lung filled up two thirds full of blood clots. They got that cleared up for a while. Then a year later he blood clots went to his brain. Five different areas. He didn't know us for a week. Well by now his wife at the time couldn't take him being sick like this and left him. Now we are starting to have trouble with the right leg. There is no blood supply and they end up giving him artifical arteries. They didn't close or heal and the pain for Ray was unbearable. They start to amputate and cut off the lower leg below the knee. He was pretty happy about that because he figured he could still ride his motorcycle. Well needless to say the next morning they had to do emergency surgery and amputate all the way to the top of the pelvis. The blood clots had blocked all the way to the pelvis. Two years ago he started having problems with the left leg turning gray and they amputated that leg also. This time his heart stopped beating on the operating table because of the blood clots. They had to take him off blood thinners when they did the surgery and the blood clots clogged. He came back! Praise the Lord! My husband and I bought him a used mobile home which he shares with his younger brother. He is so independent that he wants to do things on his own. He as been working three days a week as a telemarketing person selling concert tickets for the policemen, and doing a great job! He even got a plaque for selling the most tickets in one month. He hasn't been to work now for the past month, because of another blood clot in his lung. He has been in bed most of the time. Now he is feeling better and is pretty bored. If we could afford a Webtv Plus, we would buy it for him, but you know how expensive those are. I think if he had a Webtv, he could spend hours having fun learning and enjoying others. The doctors never did figure out to this day, why he has these blood clots. His spirits are good and we feel that a webtv would bring a lot more enjoyment into his lfe. So this is Ray's story and why we feel it would be a miracle if Ray won the Webtv Plus. Thank You both and God Bless You and Yours. Donna

From: (~Paula~) Date: Wed, Oct 3, 2001, 4:10pm (CDT+1) To:, Subject: Fwd: pic

Here is someone who would be so very happy to receive a webtv Her name is Alisha an she has cerebral palsy. She has undergone Massive reconstructive surgery on both legs in order to straighten them. an will be laid up for many months to come with Lizerods on both legs. Along with having Cerebral Palsy... Alisha has also had open heart surgery..... Vsd an Asd repair.... an is now pending a Heart Pacer.. She is a pure champ through all this child has gone through... an misses all her friends. I think what the two of you are doing.. is simply wonderful...... Take Care an God Bless     Paula

I want to Thank all that Sent in Request....and most of all I would like to thank Ja$bo and Brian For being so Generous!

i also want to Apologies for this simple page...My phone line has been down for the last two hours and still having trouble!
....More here Later!

Thanks Everyone!

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