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Born: June 10th 1910

As Told by Granddaughter


I remember so many wonderful things about my "Grandma" it's hard to know where to start telling her story. The beginning is always a good place, but even that gets a little complicated...  

My best memory of my Grandma has always been when we traveled across country on a car trip, from Barstow, Ca to Cornersville TN.   This month long trip opened the door for many more road trips that I would take in my life, experiences that would build and shape me and bring me my greatest joys and memories.   

I was around 21 and she must have been around 75.  I honestly had a hard time keeping up with her, and I don't think I realized how old she was then, and now that she is 90, I still can't think of her as old. Last year she crawled on the floor with me, to help me finish a quilt for my parents and she continues to stay busy with her friends and work for the Baptist church.  (She is preparing for another missionary trip to Samoa this year.)  

As you can tell Grandma still loves to travel.  About 10 years ago she took a bus trip from Tennessee out to visit her daughter in Barstow, and the bus got hi-jacked and she ended up standing on the side of the highway waiting for police to show up.  This had most of the family quite upset when we found out, but not Grandma. She just accepted it as another exciting day in her life.  About 3 years ago she was back on the bus again, for another trip across the country, trying so hard to divide her time between her many children.  

Besides the love of traveling, Grandma also introduced me to some Southern favorites, like country ham, biscuits and gravy, grits, fried green tomatoes, and watermelon pickles, all of which I still love.

  My other favorite times with my grandmother are listening as she shares with me the many stories of her life.  She has told me many stories and has this way of sharing the details so clearly that I feel I am there. When she tells me the stories of her parents and grandparents, I can see clearly in my mind as they were racing to be the first to settle the land as the original Oklahoma Sooners.

  She has also told me about falling in love with her husband, Garland, and how they would ride his motorcycle when they were dating.  This memory always makes me smile. 

  I know my Grandma can do anything and she has won many awards. She paints, decorates the most incredible Easter eggs, writes poetry and childrens stories, and has been a missionary to South America, and  the Navajo and other Indian tribes, but somehow I find it difficult to imagine her riding a motorcycle!!!

  Grandma Frances and Grandpa Garland  were very much in love, and had 7 children, 2 girls and 5 boys. Their hearts were broken when one son Jabbert died at a young age, and then Grandpa died when she was pregnant with my "Dad", James Garland Brintle, (we affectionately call him Jasbo, but Grandma has always called him Garland). 

  Grandma never remarried and raised her children alone by being a school teacher.  She had to sew the girls dresses, and even made her own curtains for her home.  Money was tight, but she always provided a good home for her children, and somehow managed to help others as well.

  I will always regret not spending more time with her, and not taking more trips. We once talked about taking a cruise to Alaska, but it never happened.  I guess little girls grow up, fall in love and get busy building their own lives.

  Grandma Brintle has been an example to me of what a full "rich" life is all about.  She has had many lifelong friends, and even keeps in touch with some of her previous students who probably have grandchildren of their own by now. 

  I've seen many of her awards for her various projects, but I think her true treasures are the smiles and the love of the many people she has helped and touched and  I am happy and proud to call her my "Grandma"!

  This is our tribute to a wonderful lady, whom we truly love and cherish.  We hope you enjoy it!