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Of the Two Plus Units!

~See New Annoucement at bottom of page~

Hi everyone!
I'm Ronnie

And This is My Good Friend
(aka JA$BO)

Ja$bo has recently upgraded from Webtv to Computer!
And Ja$bo, Being the Great Guy that he is, Wants to Help Someone New to the Internet, gain access!

We talked about who he should give His One Year old Magnavox Webtv Plus, along with the HP E-Scanner and a copy of ~Webtv for Dummies~ to!

Well, We think it would be nice to give it to someone that may have a Disability, Someone that Can not venture out, But Someone that would like to meet New and Crazy Friends like You and I

This is Where Ja$bo and I need Your help!
If You have a friend or someone of Your Family that could enjoy a Free Webtv, That meets this Criteria, Please let us know!

Since Ja$ has so graciously offered to give his Webtv away to someone that really could use it, i told Him that i'd be glad to pay the postage for whomever was the recipient!

The kicker is that whoever gets the Webtv, will have to pay for the Service, Themselfs!...i think it is about $24.00 a month!

We only have the one Webtv to give, and it will be, i'm sure a hard chose!,
So, Good Luck!

Feel Free to send this to Your Friends also!

ending 11/01/2001

You can Contact Us at these addresses


If for some reason , Your mail cannot get through to either Ja$bo or Myself, You can make Your request in the GuestBook below!

See request of others Here!
Make Your request Here!

~Attention Please!~
Thanks Everyone...Response has been very good!
If You would like to know the outcome of this Free Webtv Giveaway...Please Bookmark this site.
I will Post the winner here on
Along with some information on the winner.

~One More Thing!~
I've had several people tell me to let them know how this turns out, because they may want to do the same when they Upgrade!
And since i see so many folks out there could really use this kind of help, I was wondering if anyone else would care to donate there old Webtv or computer for a good cause?
It Sure would put some
on a lot of faces out there!
If Your serious about helping, Let me Know...O-K!

Please, No Pranksters!...THANKS!

~Good News~

I would like to Thank Brian, He has also donated his one year old Sony WebTV Plus to the giveaway!
Thanks Brian!..: )

If You wish to view Request for the Plus


I May not have the time it will take to Post all of the Request...This is a Hobbie for me, and i Work at my Job long hours at time!

If You do not see Your request, Please let me assure You that i have printed each and every letter....And all will be given a fair chance at the Plus!

Check again later, as i'm still adding!