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Chloe and Caleb

Hello Again! Chloe and Caleb are
my son Rob's children.
Chloe was born Jan. 11th, 1999
and Caleb was born Sept. 27th, 2001
Here are various pictures of them
from babies to the present.

Chloe at 2 weeks old

Caleb 5 days old

Chloe's first Easter ;)))

Caleb 6 months old

Chloe---7 months old

Caleb 1 year old

Chloe----9 mos old sitting pretty

Caleb's first Halloween

First Birthday

Caleb loving his bath

Here's my 2 year portrait.

Caleb and all his curls

3 years old

Christmas 2003

Playing dress-up

Caleb's big grin

And here I am being a tough dudette!

Caleb 3 years old

Christmas 2004

Easter 2006

6 years old

Caleb 4 years old

7 years old

Guest Book is provided by Guestworld

Website designed and maintained by Granny Cin.

Click on the links below to visit my other pages!

Chloe, Caleb, Cade and Carson's pages

Chloe's Picture Album Cade and Carson's Photo Album

My Family

My Sister Deanna
An Angel In Heaven
Deanna, Part 2 My Husband
My Best Friend My Sister Pam My Sister Nancy
A Little About Me My Brother Ken My Brother Tim
My Mother In Loving Memory
of My Dad
My Son Rob
My Daughter Spring

This and that pages

My Holiday Page My Snow Globes Images In Wine Glasses
My Awards and Gifts My Awards and Gifts Two Links To Helpful Websites
Poem Index One Poem Index Two Poem Index Three
Poem Index Four Poem Index Five

Disclaimer: My website is done just for fun and entertainment
and is in no way used for personal gain or profit.
I have, to the best of my knowledge, followed all
copyright laws. If a link has been asked to be required
for use of graphics, there is a link.
Some of the graphics used came from websites where
no links are required. Other graphics were
made by me from CDs that I have purchased
with clipart on them. All the poems used on my website are
either "Author Unknown" or the author is named.