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To My Husband

This page is dedicated

to my friend, lover,

and soulmate. My husband Doug.

Doug came into my life

in 1976. We have shared

times of happiness, sadness,

and climbed many of

mountains together, but have

managed to stay on the

right path of spending

our lives together forever.

Doug is my hero and

I can always count

on him to be there

for me. He even puts up

with my moods. :)

We have shared over

25 years together already

and I pray that God

will let us share at least

another 50 years together.

I can't imagine my life

without Doug.

Hugs and kisses

to you Doug.

You Are

My Forever Love

Love is forever between

two hearts that share it...

As eternal as the tide

that breaks upon the shore.

Sometimes I can hardly believe

I've found someone like you--

Someone who's caring, sensitive,

And fun to be with, too.

Sometimes when I look at you,

I think of what we've shared,

And treasure all the memories

of special ways you've cared...

And sometimes when I think of

All the joy we'll find together,

I know how happy I will be

Just loving you forever.

~Author Unknown~

Your gentle touch,

your tender kiss,

the love that lights your face

These warm my heart

and make my world

a special, joy-filled place

You fill my days with happiness

and all I want to do,

is just spend forever

sharing life and love

with you

~Author Unknown~

Thank-you Kimmy

for the beautiful gifts.

The hearts used in

the globe and the other

image were designed by

Kimmy. Click on Kimmy's

banner to visit her site.

Thank-you Tammy

for the beautiful gift

Tammy's website is filled

with beautiful images

of Angels. Click on

her logo to see

Tammy's website.

Click on the links below to visit my other pages!

Chloe, Caleb, Cade and Carson's pages

Chloe and Caleb's Picture Album Cade and Carson's Photo Album

My Family

My Sister Deanna
An Angel In Heaven
Deanna, Part 2 My Husband
My Best Friend My Sister Pam My Sister Nancy
A Little About Me My Brother Ken My Brother Tim
My Mother In Loving Memory
of My Dad
My Son Rob
My Daughter Spring

This and that pages

My Holiday Page My Snow Globes Images In Wine Glasses
My Awards and Gifts My Awards and Gifts Two Links To Helpful Websites
Poem Index One Poem Index Two Poem Index Three
Poem Index Four Poem Index Five