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Who is Deanna?

Deanna Lynn

December 8,1954-July 17,1994

Deanna was a mother, daughter,

sister, Aunt, wife, good friend, and

a very loving and caring person.

Since Deanna was taken from us

she has become a Grandma

and a Great Aunt. She is our Angel

watching over all of us.

Deanna absolutely adored children

and taking care of other people.

Deanna worked for a few

different nursing homes from

the time she was 20 until

the day she died.

She was diagnosed with

rheumatoid arthritis at the age of 25.

This disease did not stop

Deanna from still doing what

she loved doing. As the years went by

the pain in her body became worse.

There were some days her

hands would be crippled up

and she wasn't able to even

brush her own hair.

A few months before her death

she had finally found a treatment

that helped substantially with the pain

On July 13, 1994 she had received

this treatment. When getting this treatment

her blood pressure would rise.

On July 15, 1994 she was outside

mowing the lawn. A migraine

headache had developed, so she

went into the house to lie

down. She was babysitting for a baby

at the time and when the baby's

mother arrived to pick him up

she found Deanna unconscience.

Deanna had an aneurysm.

She was rushed to the hospital

but by the time she arrived

Deanna was already brain dead.

My brother allowed the doctors

to put her on life support

with the hopes that maybe something

else could be done.

I received the phone call

at 6:30 pm that evening

I live in Alabama and the

rest of my family lives in


At the time of the phone call

they knew then there was

no hope for Deanna, but my

mother chose to keep Deanna

on life support until I could get there.

That evening was the longest day

of my life. I arrived

at the hospital and walked into

Deanna's room. I didn't wanna believe

she was never going to wake

up. Watching her daughters plead

with her to wake up ripped my

heart out of me. The doctors had

thought Deanna would just peacefully

go on her own. On Sunday

all Deanna's organs had shut down

except for her heart, so the decision

was made to turn off the life

support. This was the hardest thing

I have ever witnessed in my

life. But everyone wanted to be there

so Deanna wouldn't be alone

when she left us. I know Deanna

is happy and no longer

in pain. And what helps

me deal with her being gone

is knowing that she isn't

in pain anymore and she's

watching over us.

An Angel's Kiss

We go through life so often,

not stopping to enjoy the day.

And we take each one for granted,

As we travel on our way.

For in your pain and sorrow,

An Angel's Kiss will help you through,

This kiss is very private,

For it is meant for only you.

We never stop to measure,

Anything we just might miss.

But if the wind should blow

by softly, You'll feel an

Angel's Kiss.

A kiss that is sent from

heaven, A kiss from up above.

A kiss that is very special,

From someone that you love.

So when, your hearts are heavy,

And filled with tears and pain,

And no one can console you,

Remember once again...

About the ones you grieve for,

Because you sadly miss.

And the gentle breeze

you took for granted,

Was just an Angel's Kiss.

~By: Peggy Bouse~

Christmas is always the

hardest time of the year

for our family. It was

the one time of the year

that our whole family

was always able to get

together. Christmas just hasn't

been the same since Deanna

left to spend her time with God.

I believe God was anxious

to take Deanna with him.

Twice before Deanna was taken

from us, she almost met her fate.

At the tender age of 6 Deanna

was struck down by a car.

She was in critical condition

and in a coma for 23 days

By a miracle God let Deanna

stay with us. Then at the

age of 16, Deanna almost

drowned. I still think about it

to this day and remember the

lady who saved Deanna.

This lady had just got done

yelling at us for splashing

water. She had just gotten

her hair styled and

we were getting her wet.

When she saw that

Deanna was drowning though,

she didn't hesitate for

a second to jump into

the pool and save Deanna.

God spared Deanna for

us once again.

The memories of Deanna

are nonstop and I thank God

that memories are available

for us to have.

Christmas In Heaven

Tis Christmas in Heaven

What a beautiful site

It's wonderful here

Everything is alright

The crib is adorned

With the brillance of stars

Wisemen have come

from Venus and Mars

I've met all our dear ones

Who preceded us here

The reunion was lovely

an event full of cheer

And tonight we'll all gather

In reverence we'll kneel

For the babe in the cradle

Up in heaven is real

I think of my family

That I left behind

I pray that your Christmas

Is as blessed as mine

Please shed no more tears

For my soul is at rest

Just love one another

Live life to it's best

Yes it's Christmas in Heaven

So I've heard them say

Yet Christmas in Heaven

Happens everyday

~Author Unknown~

The borders and graphics

were provided by

Creations by Carol

Click here

to go visit

Carol's website.

The globes were made

by ME!!!! Thank-you Kimmy

for all your help!

Click on the links below to visit my other pages!

Chloe, Caleb, and Cade's pages

Chloe's Picture Album Caleb's Picture Album 2 Cade's Photo Album

My Family

My Sister Deanna
An Angel In Heaven
Deanna, Part 2 My Husband
My Best Friend My Sister Pam My Sister Nancy
A Little About Me My Brother Ken My Brother Tim
My Mother In Loving Memory
of My Dad
My Son Rob
My Daughter Spring

This and that pages

My Holiday Page My Snow Globes Images In Wine Glasses
My Awards and Gifts My Awards and Gifts Two Links To Helpful Websites
Poem Index One Poem Index Two Poem Index Three
Poem Index Four Poem Index Five